On extreme value theory for group stationary Gaussian processes
ESAIM: Probability and Statistics, Tome 22 (2018), pp. 1-18.

We study extreme value theory of right stationary Gaussian processes with parameters in open subsets with compact closure of (not necessarily Abelian) locally compact topological groups. Even when specialized to Euclidian space our result extend results on extremes of stationary Gaussian processes and fields in the literature by means of requiring weaker technical conditions as well as by means of the fact that group stationary processes need not be stationary in the usual sense (that is, with respect to addition as group operation).

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DOI : 10.1051/ps/2018002
Classification : 60F10, 60G10, 60G15, 60G60, 60G70
Mots clés : Extreme value, Gaussian process, sojourn, stationary process.
Albin, Patrik 1

     author = {Albin, Patrik},
     title = {On extreme value theory for group stationary {Gaussian} processes},
     journal = {ESAIM: Probability and Statistics},
     pages = {1--18},
     publisher = {EDP-Sciences},
     volume = {22},
     year = {2018},
     doi = {10.1051/ps/2018002},
     mrnumber = {3872125},
     zbl = {1405.60035},
     language = {en},
     url = {http://archive.numdam.org/articles/10.1051/ps/2018002/}
AU  - Albin, Patrik
TI  - On extreme value theory for group stationary Gaussian processes
JO  - ESAIM: Probability and Statistics
PY  - 2018
SP  - 1
EP  - 18
VL  - 22
PB  - EDP-Sciences
UR  - http://archive.numdam.org/articles/10.1051/ps/2018002/
DO  - 10.1051/ps/2018002
LA  - en
ID  - PS_2018__22__1_0
ER  - 
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%T On extreme value theory for group stationary Gaussian processes
%J ESAIM: Probability and Statistics
%D 2018
%P 1-18
%V 22
%I EDP-Sciences
%U http://archive.numdam.org/articles/10.1051/ps/2018002/
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Albin, Patrik. On extreme value theory for group stationary Gaussian processes. ESAIM: Probability and Statistics, Tome 22 (2018), pp. 1-18. doi : 10.1051/ps/2018002. http://archive.numdam.org/articles/10.1051/ps/2018002/

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