Uniform LSI for the canonical ensemble on the 1D-lattice with strong, finite-range interaction
ESAIM: Probability and Statistics, Tome 24 (2020), pp. 341-373.

We consider a one-dimensional lattice system of unbounded, real-valued spins with arbitrary strong, quadratic, finite-range interaction. We show that the canonical ensemble (ce) satisfies a uniform logarithmic Sobolev inequality (LSI). The LSI constant is uniform in the boundary data, the external field and scales optimally in the system size. This extends a classical result of H.T. Yau from discrete to unbounded, real-valued spins. It also extends prior results of Landim et al. or Menz for unbounded, real-valued spins from absent- or weak- to strong-interaction. We deduce the LSI by combining two competing methods, the two-scale approach and the Zegarlinski method. Main ingredients are the strict convexity of the coarse-grained Hamiltonian, the equivalence of ensembles and the decay of correlations in the ce.

DOI : 10.1051/ps/2020001
Classification : 26D10, 82B05, 82B20
Mots-clés : Canonical ensemble, logarithmic Sobolev inequality, Poincaré inequality, one-dimensional lattice, mixing condition, strong interaction
     author = {Kwon, Younghak and Menz, Georg},
     title = {Uniform {LSI} for the canonical ensemble on the {1D-lattice} with strong, finite-range interaction},
     journal = {ESAIM: Probability and Statistics},
     pages = {341--373},
     publisher = {EDP-Sciences},
     volume = {24},
     year = {2020},
     doi = {10.1051/ps/2020001},
     mrnumber = {4152110},
     language = {en},
     url = {http://archive.numdam.org/articles/10.1051/ps/2020001/}
AU  - Kwon, Younghak
AU  - Menz, Georg
TI  - Uniform LSI for the canonical ensemble on the 1D-lattice with strong, finite-range interaction
JO  - ESAIM: Probability and Statistics
PY  - 2020
SP  - 341
EP  - 373
VL  - 24
PB  - EDP-Sciences
UR  - http://archive.numdam.org/articles/10.1051/ps/2020001/
DO  - 10.1051/ps/2020001
LA  - en
ID  - PS_2020__24_1_341_0
ER  - 
%0 Journal Article
%A Kwon, Younghak
%A Menz, Georg
%T Uniform LSI for the canonical ensemble on the 1D-lattice with strong, finite-range interaction
%J ESAIM: Probability and Statistics
%D 2020
%P 341-373
%V 24
%I EDP-Sciences
%U http://archive.numdam.org/articles/10.1051/ps/2020001/
%R 10.1051/ps/2020001
%G en
%F PS_2020__24_1_341_0
Kwon, Younghak; Menz, Georg. Uniform LSI for the canonical ensemble on the 1D-lattice with strong, finite-range interaction. ESAIM: Probability and Statistics, Tome 24 (2020), pp. 341-373. doi : 10.1051/ps/2020001. http://archive.numdam.org/articles/10.1051/ps/2020001/

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