Equilibrium balking strategies in the observable Geo/Geo/1 queue with delayed multiple vacations
RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle, Tome 50 (2016) no. 1, pp. 119-129.

We consider the discrete-time Markovian single-server queue under delayed multiple vacations. Upon arriving, the customers observe the queue length and decide whether to join or balk. We derive equilibrium threshold balking strategies in two cases, according to the information for the server’s state. We also illustrate the equilibrium thresholds and the social benefits for systems via numerical experiments.

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DOI : 10.1051/ro/2015019
Classification : 60K25, 90B22
Mots clés : Economics of queues, delayed multiple vacations, equilibrium balking strategies, stationary distribution
Gao, Shan 1 ; Wang, Jinting 2

1 Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Fuyang Normal College, Fuyang, Anhui 236037, P.R. China.
2 Department of Mathematics, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, P.R. China
     author = {Gao, Shan and Wang, Jinting},
     title = {Equilibrium balking strategies in the observable {Geo/Geo/1} queue with delayed multiple vacations},
     journal = {RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Op\'erationnelle},
     pages = {119--129},
     publisher = {EDP-Sciences},
     volume = {50},
     number = {1},
     year = {2016},
     doi = {10.1051/ro/2015019},
     zbl = {1335.60170},
     mrnumber = {3460666},
     language = {en},
     url = {http://archive.numdam.org/articles/10.1051/ro/2015019/}
AU  - Gao, Shan
AU  - Wang, Jinting
TI  - Equilibrium balking strategies in the observable Geo/Geo/1 queue with delayed multiple vacations
JO  - RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle
PY  - 2016
SP  - 119
EP  - 129
VL  - 50
IS  - 1
PB  - EDP-Sciences
UR  - http://archive.numdam.org/articles/10.1051/ro/2015019/
DO  - 10.1051/ro/2015019
LA  - en
ID  - RO_2016__50_1_119_0
ER  - 
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%A Gao, Shan
%A Wang, Jinting
%T Equilibrium balking strategies in the observable Geo/Geo/1 queue with delayed multiple vacations
%J RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle
%D 2016
%P 119-129
%V 50
%N 1
%I EDP-Sciences
%U http://archive.numdam.org/articles/10.1051/ro/2015019/
%R 10.1051/ro/2015019
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%F RO_2016__50_1_119_0
Gao, Shan; Wang, Jinting. Equilibrium balking strategies in the observable Geo/Geo/1 queue with delayed multiple vacations. RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle, Tome 50 (2016) no. 1, pp. 119-129. doi : 10.1051/ro/2015019. http://archive.numdam.org/articles/10.1051/ro/2015019/

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