Curvature measures, normal cycles and asymptotic cones
Actes des rencontres du CIRM, Tome 3 (2013) no. 1, pp. 3-10.

The purpose of this article is to give an overview of the theory of the normal cycle and to show how to use it to define a curvature measures on singular surfaces embedded in an (oriented) Euclidean space 𝔼 3 . In particular, we will introduce the notion of asymptotic cone associated to a Borel subset of 𝔼 3 , generalizing the asymptotic directions defined at each point of a smooth surface. For simplicity, we restrict our singular subsets to polyhedra of the 3-dimensional Euclidean space 𝔼 3 . The coherence of the theory lies in a convergence theorem: If a sequence of polyhedra (P n ) tends (for a suitable topology) to a smooth surface S, then the sequence of curvature measures of (P n ) tends to the curvature measures of S. Details on the first part of these pages can be found in [6].

Publié le :
DOI : 10.5802/acirm.50
Classification : 00X99
Mots clés : curvature measure, shape operator, surfaces, normal cycle, asymptotic cones
Sun, Xiang 1 ; Morvan, Jean-Marie 2

1 Visual Computing Center King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Saudi Arabia
2 University Claude Bernard Lyon P1, France, C.N.R.S. U.M.R. 5028 Visual Computing Center King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Saudi Arabia
     author = {Sun, Xiang and Morvan, Jean-Marie},
     title = {Curvature measures, normal cycles and asymptotic cones},
     journal = {Actes des rencontres du CIRM},
     pages = {3--10},
     publisher = {CIRM},
     volume = {3},
     number = {1},
     year = {2013},
     doi = {10.5802/acirm.50},
     zbl = {06938598},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
AU  - Sun, Xiang
AU  - Morvan, Jean-Marie
TI  - Curvature measures, normal cycles and asymptotic cones
JO  - Actes des rencontres du CIRM
PY  - 2013
SP  - 3
EP  - 10
VL  - 3
IS  - 1
UR  -
DO  - 10.5802/acirm.50
LA  - en
ID  - ACIRM_2013__3_1_3_0
ER  - 
%0 Journal Article
%A Sun, Xiang
%A Morvan, Jean-Marie
%T Curvature measures, normal cycles and asymptotic cones
%J Actes des rencontres du CIRM
%D 2013
%P 3-10
%V 3
%N 1
%R 10.5802/acirm.50
%G en
%F ACIRM_2013__3_1_3_0
Sun, Xiang; Morvan, Jean-Marie. Curvature measures, normal cycles and asymptotic cones. Actes des rencontres du CIRM, Tome 3 (2013) no. 1, pp. 3-10. doi : 10.5802/acirm.50.

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[2] Cohen-Steiner, David; Morvan, Jean-Marie 4 Differential Geometry on Discrete Surfaces, Effective computational geometry for curves and surfaces, Springer (2006) | DOI | Zbl

[3] Cohen-Steiner, David; Morvan, Jean-Marie Second fundamental measure of geometric sets and local approximation of curvatures, Journal of Differential Geometry, Volume 74 (2006) no. 3, pp. 363-394 | MR | Zbl

[4] Fu, Joseph HG Monge-Ampère Functions 1, Indiana Univ. Math. J., Volume 38 (1989), pp. 745-771

[5] Fu, Joseph HG Convergence of curvatures in secant approximations, Journal of Differential Geometry, Volume 37 (1993) no. 1, pp. 177-190 | MR | Zbl

[6] Morvan, Jean-Marie Generalized curvatures, 2, Springer, 2008 | MR | Zbl

[7] Wintgen, Peter Normal cycle and integral curvature for polyhedra in Riemannian manifolds, Differential Geometry. North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam-New York (1982) | Zbl

[8] Zähle, Martina Integral and current representation of Federer’s curvature measures, Archiv der Mathematik, Volume 46 (1986) no. 6, pp. 557-567 | DOI | MR | Zbl

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