Simplicity of Neretin's group of spheromorphisms
Annales de l'Institut Fourier, Volume 49 (1999) no. 4, pp. 1225-1240.

Denote by 𝒯 n , n2, the regular tree whose vertices have valence n+1, 𝒯 n its boundary. Yu. A. Neretin has proposed a group N n of transformations of 𝒯 n , thought of as a combinatorial analogue of the diffeomorphism group of the circle. We show that N n is generated by two groups: the group Aut (𝒯 n ) of tree automorphisms, and a Higman-Thompson group G n . We prove the simplicity of N n and of a family of its subgroups.

Notons 𝒯 n , n2, l’arbre régulier dont les sommets sont de valence n+1, 𝒯 n son bord. Yu. A. Neretin a proposé, comme analogue combinatoire du groupe des difféomorphismes du cercle, un groupe de transformations N n agissant sur 𝒯 n . On montre que N n est engendré par deux groupes: le groupe Aut (𝒯 n ) des automorphismes de l’arbre, et un groupe de Higman-Thompson G n . On prouve la simplicité de N n et d’une famille de ses sous-groupes.

     author = {Kapoudjian, Christophe},
     title = {Simplicity of {Neretin's} group of spheromorphisms},
     journal = {Annales de l'Institut Fourier},
     pages = {1225--1240},
     publisher = {Association des Annales de l{\textquoteright}institut Fourier},
     volume = {49},
     number = {4},
     year = {1999},
     doi = {10.5802/aif.1715},
     mrnumber = {2001b:20070},
     zbl = {01323235},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
AU  - Kapoudjian, Christophe
TI  - Simplicity of Neretin's group of spheromorphisms
JO  - Annales de l'Institut Fourier
PY  - 1999
SP  - 1225
EP  - 1240
VL  - 49
IS  - 4
PB  - Association des Annales de l’institut Fourier
UR  -
DO  - 10.5802/aif.1715
LA  - en
ID  - AIF_1999__49_4_1225_0
ER  - 
%0 Journal Article
%A Kapoudjian, Christophe
%T Simplicity of Neretin's group of spheromorphisms
%J Annales de l'Institut Fourier
%D 1999
%P 1225-1240
%V 49
%N 4
%I Association des Annales de l’institut Fourier
%R 10.5802/aif.1715
%G en
%F AIF_1999__49_4_1225_0
Kapoudjian, Christophe. Simplicity of Neretin's group of spheromorphisms. Annales de l'Institut Fourier, Volume 49 (1999) no. 4, pp. 1225-1240. doi : 10.5802/aif.1715.

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