@incollection{XUPS_1995____51_0, author = {Risler, Jean-Jacques}, title = {Construction de courbes r\'eelles}, booktitle = {Aspects g\'eom\'etriques et combinatoires de la convexit\'e}, series = {Journ\'ees math\'ematiques X-UPS}, pages = {51--69}, publisher = {Les \'Editions de l{\textquoteright}\'Ecole polytechnique}, year = {1995}, doi = {10.5802/xups.1995-03}, language = {fr}, url = {http://archive.numdam.org/articles/10.5802/xups.1995-03/} }
Risler, Jean-Jacques. Construction de courbes réelles. Journées mathématiques X-UPS, Aspects géométriques et combinatoires de la convexité (1995), pp. 51-69. doi : 10.5802/xups.1995-03. http://archive.numdam.org/articles/10.5802/xups.1995-03/
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