Table of contents
Ordinary differential equations/Partial differential equations
Uniqueness and Lagrangianity for solutions with lack of integrability of the continuity equation
Partial differential equations
Lipschitz dependence of the coefficients on the resolvent and greedy approximation for scalar elliptic problems
Partial differential equations/Numerical analysis
An online intrinsic stabilization strategy for the reduced basis approximation of parametrized advection-dominated problems
Analyse fonctionnelle
Interpolation : Bθ = Bθ pour un θ entraîne Bθ = Bθ pour tout θ
[Interpolation: Bθ = Bθ for some beta implies Bθ = Bθ for all θ]
Analyse fonctionnelle
Plongements de Carleson absolument sommants
[Absolutely summing Carleson embedding]
Géométrie algébrique
Revêtements tangentiels et tours infinies d'Artin–Schreier
[Tangential covers and infinite Artin–Schreier towers]
Mathematical problems in mechanics
A mathematical model of Koiter's type for a nonlinearly elastic “almost spherical” shell