Table of contents
Exposition aux risques alimentaires et processus stochastiques : Le cas des contaminants chimiques
[Food Risk and Stochastic Processes: the Case of Chemical Contaminants]
[Food Risk and Stochastic Processes: the Case of Chemical Contaminants]
Association entre l’exposition à la pollution atmosphérique et la santé : utilisation des séries chronologiques
[Relationships between air pollution and health: a time series study]
[Relationships between air pollution and health: a time series study]
Intervalles interbattements cardiaques et Processus Auto-Régulé Multifractionnaire
[Application of the Self Regulating Multifractional Process to cardiac interbeats intervals]
[Application of the Self Regulating Multifractional Process to cardiac interbeats intervals]
Deux modèles de Markov caché pour processus multiples et leur contribution à l’élaboration d’une notion de style postural
[Two hidden Markov models for multiple processes and their contribution to the definition of a postural style]
[Two hidden Markov models for multiple processes and their contribution to the definition of a postural style]
Modélisation des fréquences cardiaques instantanées durant un marathon et estimation de leurs paramètres fractals
[Estimating the fractality and modeling of heart rate series during the marathon]
[Estimating the fractality and modeling of heart rate series during the marathon]