On the point limit of the Pauli-Fierz model
Annales de l'I.H.P. Physique théorique, Tome 71 (1999) no. 4, pp. 425-457.
     author = {Noja, Diego and Posilicano, Andrea},
     title = {On the point limit of the {Pauli-Fierz} model},
     journal = {Annales de l'I.H.P. Physique th\'eorique},
     pages = {425--457},
     publisher = {Gauthier-Villars},
     volume = {71},
     number = {4},
     year = {1999},
     mrnumber = {1721555},
     zbl = {0958.78007},
     language = {en},
     url = {https://www.numdam.org/item/AIHPA_1999__71_4_425_0/}
AU  - Noja, Diego
AU  - Posilicano, Andrea
TI  - On the point limit of the Pauli-Fierz model
JO  - Annales de l'I.H.P. Physique théorique
PY  - 1999
SP  - 425
EP  - 457
VL  - 71
IS  - 4
PB  - Gauthier-Villars
UR  - https://www.numdam.org/item/AIHPA_1999__71_4_425_0/
LA  - en
ID  - AIHPA_1999__71_4_425_0
ER  - 
%0 Journal Article
%A Noja, Diego
%A Posilicano, Andrea
%T On the point limit of the Pauli-Fierz model
%J Annales de l'I.H.P. Physique théorique
%D 1999
%P 425-457
%V 71
%N 4
%I Gauthier-Villars
%U https://www.numdam.org/item/AIHPA_1999__71_4_425_0/
%G en
%F AIHPA_1999__71_4_425_0
Noja, Diego; Posilicano, Andrea. On the point limit of the Pauli-Fierz model. Annales de l'I.H.P. Physique théorique, Tome 71 (1999) no. 4, pp. 425-457. https://www.numdam.org/item/AIHPA_1999__71_4_425_0/

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