@article{AIHP_1952__13_1_43_0, author = {Kendall, David}, title = {Les processus stochastiques de croissance en biologie}, journal = {Annales de l'institut Henri Poincar\'e}, pages = {43--108}, publisher = {INSTITUT HENRI POINCAR\'E ET GAUTHIER-VILLARS}, volume = {13}, number = {1}, year = {1952}, mrnumber = {57526}, zbl = {0049.10403}, language = {fr}, url = {https://www.numdam.org/item/AIHP_1952__13_1_43_0/} }
TY - JOUR AU - Kendall, David TI - Les processus stochastiques de croissance en biologie JO - Annales de l'institut Henri Poincaré PY - 1952 SP - 43 EP - 108 VL - 13 IS - 1 PB - INSTITUT HENRI POINCARÉ ET GAUTHIER-VILLARS UR - https://www.numdam.org/item/AIHP_1952__13_1_43_0/ LA - fr ID - AIHP_1952__13_1_43_0 ER -
Kendall, David. Les processus stochastiques de croissance en biologie. Annales de l'institut Henri Poincaré, Tome 13 (1952) no. 1, pp. 43-108. https://www.numdam.org/item/AIHP_1952__13_1_43_0/
On the Theory of Stochastic Processes, and their Application to the Theory of Cosmic Radiation (Copenhague). | MR | Zbl
) : 1943.1949. On the birth and death process (Skand. Akt. Tidsskrift, p. 21-26). | MR | Zbl
On the theory of infinite systems of differential equations, and their application to the theory of stochastic processes and the perturbation theory of quantum mechanics (Acta Math., t. 76, p. 261-322). | MR | Zbl
) et ) : 1945.The statistical theory of bacterial populations subject to mutation [J. Roy. Statist. Soc. (B), sous presse, bibliographie]. | MR | Zbl
) : 1951.A simple stochastic epidemic (Biometrika, t. 37, p. 193-202). | MR | Zbl
) : 1950.1951. On estimating the size of mobile populations from recapture data. (Biometrika, t. 38, p. 293-306). | Zbl
Stochastic Processes (conférences inédites).
) : 1946.1949. Some evolutionary stochastic processes [J. Royal Statist. Soc. (B), t. 11, p. 211-229, 265-266 et 280-281, bibliographie]. | MR | Zbl
1951 a. The dual recurrence relation for multiplicative processes (Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc., t. 47, p. 821-825). | MR | Zbl
1951 b. Voir Armitage (I95I).
On the use of the characteristic functional in the analysis of some stochastic processes occurring in physics and biology (Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc., t. 47, p. 65-76). | MR | Zbl
) et ) : 1951.On the theory of age-dependent stochastic branching processes (Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc., t. 34, p. 601-604). (Une version plus détaillée paraîtra bientôt). | MR | Zbl
) et ) : 1948.Population waves (J. Burma Research Soc., t. 31, p. I-18).
) : 1941.On the stochastic theory of continuous parametric systems and its application to electron cascades [Proc. Roy. Soc. London (A), t. 202, p. 301-322]. | MR | Zbl
) : 1950.The mean square deviation of the number of electrons and quanta in the cascade theory (Proc. Indian Acad. Sc., t. 32, p. 141-153). | MR | Zbl
) et ) : 1950.Stochastic processes (Ann. of Math., t. 48, p. 1014-1061). | MR | Zbl
) : 1947.Sur l'emploi du théorème de Bernouilli pour faciliter le calcul d'une infinité de coefficients. Applications au problème de l'attente à un guichet (C. R. Acad. Sc., t. 214. p. 452-456). | JFM | MR | Zbl
) : 1942.The estimation of population parameters from data obtained by means of the capture-recapture method (Biometrika, t. 38, p. 269-292). | Zbl
) et ) : 1951.The present status of Biometry (2e Congrès intern. de Biométrie, Genève, p. I-19, bibliographie).
) : 1949.Sur une généralisation du procèssus de Pólya (Bull. Classe des Sc., Acad. Roy. de Belgique, 5e série, t. 34, p. 863-876.). | MR | Zbl
) : 1948.1949. Sur quelques processus stochastiques discontinus à deux variables aléatoires (Ibid., t. 35, p. 399-416 et 743-755). | MR | Zbl
1950. Sur quelques points de la théorie des processus stochastiques (Ibid., t. 36, p. 870-879). | MR | Zbl
Mathematical Methods of Statistics (Princeton). | MR | Zbl
) : 1946.The applicability of the statistical fluctuation test [Proc. Roy. Soc. London (B), t. 139, p. 236-250].
) et ) : 1952.Histoire des Sciences et des Savants depuis deux siècles (Genève). Voir p. 388.
) : 1873.Matemo Tidsskrift (B.), p. 36.
) : 1929.Die Grundlagen der Volterraschen Theorie des Kampfes ums Dasein in wahrscheinlichkeitstheoretischer Behandlung (Acta Biotheoretica, t. 5, p. II-40). | JFM | MR | Zbl
) : 1939.1940. On the integrodifferential equations of purely discontinuous Markoff processes (Trans. American Math. Soc.. t. 48, p, 488-515.). | JFM | MR | Zbl
1941. On the integral equation of renewal theory (Ann. Math. Statist., t. 12, p. 243-267). | JFM | MR | Zbl
1943. On a general class of « contagious » distributions (Ann. Math. Statist., t. 14, p. 389-400). | MR | Zbl
1949. On the theory of stochastic processes, with particular reference to applications (Proc. Ist Berkeley Symposium on Math. Statist. and Probability, p. 403-432, bibliographie). | MR | Zbl
1950. An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications. t. I, New-York, chap. 11 et 17). | Zbl
1951. Diffusion processes in genetics (Proc. 2nd Berkeley symposium on Math. Statist. and Probability, p. 227-246, bibliographie). | MR | Zbl
Errors of estimation in inverse sampling (Nature, London, t. 160, p. 195).
) : 1947.1949. On a method of estimating frequencies (Biometrika, t. 36, p. 233-234). | MR | Zbl
A re-examination of Rahn's data on the number of genes in bacteria (Biometries, t. 7, p. 133-144).
) et ) : 1951.On the dominance ratio (Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin., t. 42, p. 321-341).
) : 1922.1930. The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection (Oxford). | JFM
Recherches théoriques modernes sur le Calcul des Probabilités, t. II, Paris, (bibliographie).
) : 1938.On fluctuation phenomena in the passage of high energy electrons through lead (Phys. Rev., t. 52, p. 569-581). | JFM
) : 1937.On the probability of the extinction of families (J. Anthrop. Inst., t. 4, p. 138-144).
) et ) : 1874.The number of individuals in a cascade process (Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc., t. 45, p. 360-363 | MR | Zbl
) : 1949 a.1949 b. J. Roy. Statist. Soc. (B). t. 11, p. 271-273 et t. 12, p. I.
1951. Ibid., t. 13, p. 182-183.
The ethnology of Buchan, IV. The frequency and pigmentation value of surnames in East Aberdeenshire ( Trans. Buchan Field Club, t. 7).
) et ) : 1902.Stochastic processes and statistical inference (Ark. Mat., t. 1, p. 195-277, bibliographie). | MR | Zbl
) : 1950.A labour-saving method of sampling (Nature, London, t. 155, p. 49-50).
) : 1945 a.1945 b. On a method of estimating frequencies (Biometrika, t. 33, p. 222-225). | MR | Zbl
1949. Some statistical problems arising in genetics [J. Roy. Statist. Soc. (B), t. 11, p. I-9]. | MR | Zbl
Electronic computors and the analysis of stochastic processes (Math. Tables, and Aids to Computation, t. 4, p. 56-57).
) : 1950.Branching processes (Ann. Math. Statist., t. 19, p. 474-494, bibliographie). | MR | Zbl
) : 1948.1951. Some mathematical models for branching processes (Proc. 2nd Berkeley Symposium on Math. Statist. and Probability, p. 305-328, bibliographie). | MR | Zbl
A chart for the incomplete beta-function and the cumulative binomial distribution (Biometrika, t. 38, p. 423-426). | MR | Zbl
) et ) : 1951.Problems of estimation and hypothesis-testing in connexion with birth-and-death stochastic processes (Ann. Math. Statist., t. 22, p. 485).
) : 1951.Note on the fluctuation problem of cascades (Proc. Phys. Soc. London (A), t. 63. p. 241-249). | Zbl
) : 1950.The relations betwen male and female reproduction rates (Population Studies, t. 1, p. 249-274).
) : 1947.1948 a. The relations between male and female nuptiality in a stable population (Ibid., t. 1, p. 353-387).
1948 b. An analysis of the sources and magnitude of inconsistencies betwen male and female net reproduction rates in actual populations (Ibid., t. 2, p. 240-273).
The growth rate of individual bacterial cells (J. Bacteriol., t. 23, p. 147-153).
) et ) : 1932.A review of some recent work on discontinuous Markoff processes with applications to biology, physics and actuarial science (J. Roy. Statist. Soc., t. 110, p. 130-137). | Zbl
) : 1947.1948 a. On the generalised birth-and-death process (Ann. Math. Statist., t. 19, p. I-15). | Zbl
1948 b. On some modes of population growth leading to R. A. Fisher's logarithmic series distribution (Biometrika, t. 35, p. 6-15). | MR | Zbl
1948 c. On the role of variable generation time in the development of a stochastic birth process. (Ibid., t. 35, p. 316-330). | MR | Zbl
1949. Stochastic processes and population growth [J. Roy. Statist. Soc. (B), t. 11, p. 230-264, 266-267 et 281-282, bibliographie]. | MR | Zbl
1950 a. An artificial realisation of a simple birth-and-death process (Ibid., t. 12, p. 116-119). | Zbl
1950 b. Random fluctuations in the age-distribution of a population whose development is controlled by the simple birth-and-death process. (Ibid., t. 12. p. 278-285). | MR | Zbl
1951. Some problems in the theory of queues (Ibid., t. 13, p. 151-173 et 184-185, bibliographie). | MR | Zbl
1952 a. On the choice of a mathematical model to represent normal bacterial growth (Ibid., sous presse). | Zbl
1952 b. Stochastic processes and bacterial growth (Soc. for Exp. Biol., sous presse.)
Sulla teoria di Volterra della lotta per l'esistenza (Giorn. Ist. Ital. Attuari, t. 7, p. 74-80). | JFM | Zbl
) : 1936.Étude de l'équation de la diffusion avec croissance de la quantité de matière et son application à un problème biologique (Bull. Univ. Etat. Moscou (A), (I), t. 6, p. I-25). | Zbl
), ) et ) : 1937.Branching stochastic processes [C. R. Acad. Sc. U.R.S.S. (N. S.), t. 56, p. 5-8 (anglais)]. | MR | Zbl
) et ) : 1947.The calculation of final probabilities for branching random processes [Ibid., t. 56, p. 783-786 (russe)]. | MR
) et ) : 1947.The distribution of the number of mutants in bacterial populations (J. Genetics, t. 49, p. 264-285).
) et ) : 1949.Un instrument d'étude des fonctions aléatoires : la fonctionnelle caractéristique (C. R. Acad. Sc., t. 224, p. 710-711). | MR | Zbl
: 1947.Papers in Microbial Genetics (Madison, É.-U.).
) (sous la direction de) : 1951.On the use of matrices in certain population mathematics (Biometrika, t. 33, p. 183-212). | MR | Zbl
) : 1945.1948. Some further notes on the use of matrices in population mathematics (Ibid., t. 35, p. 213-245). | MR | Zbl
Processus Stochastiques et Mouvement Brownien (Paris), (bibliographie). | MR | Zbl
) : 1948.On the generation and growth of a populatiou (Sankhya, t. 6, p. 93-96).
) : 1942.The extinction of families (J. Washington Acad. Sc., t. 21, p. 377-380 et 453-459).
) : 1931.1939. Analyse démographique avec application particulière à l'espèce humaine (Acta Sc. Ind., p. 780, Paris). | JFM
1945. Population analysis as a chapter in the mathematical theory of evolution (Essays on Growth and Form presented to d'Arcy Wentworth Thompson rédigés par W. E. LE GROS CLARK et P. B. MEDAWAR, Oxford) (bibliographie). | MR | Zbl
1948. Application of recurrent series in renewal theory (Ann. Math. Statist., t. 19, p. 190-206). | MR | Zbl
Mutations of bacteria from virus sensitivity to virus resistance (Genetics, t. 28, p. 491-511).
) et ) : 1943.Les Mathématiques de l'Hérédité (Paris). | MR | Zbl
) : 1948.1949. Les processus stochastiques de la génétique (Coll. intern. du C. N. R. S., t. 13, p. 121-126). | MR | Zbl
1950. Quelques schèmes probabilistes sur la variabilité des populations naturelles [Ann. de l'Univ. de Lyon (A), t. 13, p. 37-60]. | MR | Zbl
Évolution de la Biométrie (Bull. de l'Inst. Agronom. de Gembloux, t. 17, p. 43-66, bibliographie).
) : 1948-1949.Studies on the theory of continuous probabilities, with special reference to its bearing on natural phenomena of a progressive nature (Proc. London Math. Soc., 2e sèrie, t. 13, p. 401-416). | JFM
) : 1914.Some remarks on animal population dynamics (Biometrics, t. 6, p. 250-258).
) : 1950.1951 a. Estimation methods for evolutive processes (J. Roy. Statist. Soc. (B), t. 13, p. 141-146). | MR | Zbl
1951 b. A mathematical theory of animal trapping (Biometrika, t. 38, p. 307-311). | Zbl
1952. The Statistical analysis of game-bird records (J. Animal Ecology, t. 21, p. 154-518).
Sur l'espérance mathématique d'un élément aléatoire dans un espace de Banach (C. R. Acad. Sc., t. 229, p. 1300-1301). | MR | Zbl
) : 1949.1950. Propriétés des caractéristiques d'un élément aléatoire dans un espace de Banach (Ibid., t. 231, p. 28-29). | MR | Zbl
1951. Lois des grands nombres et théorie érodique (Ibid., t. 232, p. 923-925). | MR | Zbl
J. Roy. Statist. Soc. (B), t. 11, p. 265. | MR
) : 1949.Delayed phenotypic expression of spontaneous mutations in Escherichia coli (Genetics, t. 33, p. 447-476, bibliographie).
) : 1948.The multiplicative process (Ann. Math. Statist., t. 20, p. 206-224). | MR | Zbl
) : 1949.) : 1945. Voir Arley et Borchsenius (I945), (p. 298-299).
Experimental studies of interspecies competition, I (Ecol. Monographs, t. 18, p. 265-308).
) : 1948.Sur quelques points de la théorie des probabilités (Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré, t. 1, p. 117-161). | JFM | Numdam
) : 1930.J. Roy. Statist. Soc. (B), t. 11, p. 273.
) 1949.A chemical explanation of the variability of the growth rate (J. Gen. Physiol,, t. 15, p. 257-277).
) : 1932.1934. Chemistry of cell growth, II, (Cold Spring Harbour Symp. on Quantitative Biol., t. 2, p. 63-69).
Stochastic proceeses relating to particles distributed in a continuous infinity of states (Prob. Cambridge Phil. Soc., t. 46, p. 595-602). | MR | Zbl
) : 1950.1951. Some simple stochastic processes (J. Royal Statist. Soc. (B), t. 13, p. 131-140). | MR | Zbl
On the theory of braraching random processes [C. R. Acad. Sc. U. R. S. S., t. 59, p. 1407-1410 (russe)]. | MR
) : 1948.Om sandsynligheden for at afkommet uddør (Matem. Tidsskrift (B), p. 19-23). | JFM
) : 1930.1933. Deux problèmes du calcul des probabilités (Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré, t. 3, p. 319-344). | JFM | Numdam | Zbl
On the reproduction of organisms with overlapping generations (Bull. Entom. Research., t. 22, p. 147-172).
) et ) : 1931.Inverse statistical variates (Nature, London, t, 155, p. 453). | MR | Zbl
) : 1945.Leçons sur la théorie mathématique de la lutte pour la vie (Paris). | JFM | Zbl
) : 1931.Asymptotic properties of the maximum likelihood estimate of an unknown parameter of a discrete stochastic process (Ann. Math. Statist., t. 19, p. 40-46). | MR | Zbl
) : 1948.A statistical theory of cascade multiplication (Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc., t. 44, p. 404-412). | MR | Zbl
) : 1947.Certain limit theorems of the theory of branching random processes (C. R. Acad. Sc. U, R. S. S., t.56, p. 795-798 (russe). | MR | Zbl
) : 1947.A mathematical theory of evolution [Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London (B), t. 213, p. 21-87].
) : 1925.