Euler products (variation on a theme of Kurokawa's)
Journées arithmétiques - Metz, 1981, Astérisque, no. 94 (1982), pp. 143-151.
     author = {Moroz, B. Z.},
     title = {Euler products (variation on a theme of {Kurokawa's)}},
     booktitle = {Journ\'ees arithm\'etiques - Metz, 1981},
     series = {Ast\'erisque},
     pages = {143--151},
     publisher = {Soci\'et\'e math\'ematique de France},
     number = {94},
     year = {1982},
     zbl = {0508.12013},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
AU  - Moroz, B. Z.
TI  - Euler products (variation on a theme of Kurokawa's)
BT  - Journées arithmétiques - Metz, 1981
AU  - Collectif
T3  - Astérisque
PY  - 1982
SP  - 143
EP  - 151
IS  - 94
PB  - Société mathématique de France
UR  -
LA  - en
ID  - AST_1982__94__143_0
ER  - 
%0 Book Section
%A Moroz, B. Z.
%T Euler products (variation on a theme of Kurokawa's)
%B Journées arithmétiques - Metz, 1981
%A Collectif
%S Astérisque
%D 1982
%P 143-151
%N 94
%I Société mathématique de France
%G en
%F AST_1982__94__143_0
Moroz, B. Z. Euler products (variation on a theme of Kurokawa's), in Journées arithmétiques - Metz, 1981, Astérisque, no. 94 (1982), pp. 143-151.

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