@article{CM_1982__47_2_207_0, author = {Katsura, Toshiyuki}, title = {A note on {Enriques'} surfaces in characteristic 2}, journal = {Compositio Mathematica}, pages = {207--216}, publisher = {Martinus Nijhoff Publishers}, volume = {47}, number = {2}, year = {1982}, mrnumber = {677021}, zbl = {0505.14027}, language = {en}, url = {http://archive.numdam.org/item/CM_1982__47_2_207_0/} }
Katsura, Toshiyuki. A note on Enriques' surfaces in characteristic 2. Compositio Mathematica, Volume 47 (1982) no. 2, pp. 207-216. http://archive.numdam.org/item/CM_1982__47_2_207_0/
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