Table of contents
Special Issue : Reliability
Modélisation de la dégradation d’un composant à partir du retour d’expérience
[Component degradation modeling based on feedback data]
Special Issue : Reliability
Hidden Markov Model for the detection of a degraded operating mode of optronic equipment
Special Issue : Reliability
Approche décisionnelle bayésienne pour estimer une courbe de fragilité
[A Bayesian decision approach for estimating a fragility curve]
Special Issue : Reliability
Testing an “Exponential Delay Time model” against a “Random Sign Censoring model” in Reliability
Special Issue : Reliability
Estimation dans le modèle de transformation linéaire avec données manquantes
[Estimation in the linear transformation model with missing data]
Special Issue : Reliability
Goodness-of-fit tests for the Weibull distribution based on the Laplace transform