@article{M2AN_2000__34_6_1203_0, author = {Runborg, Olof}, title = {Some new results in multiphase geometrical optics}, journal = {ESAIM: Mod\'elisation math\'ematique et analyse num\'erique}, pages = {1203--1231}, publisher = {Dunod}, address = {Paris}, volume = {34}, number = {6}, year = {2000}, mrnumber = {1812734}, zbl = {0972.78001}, language = {en}, url = {http://archive.numdam.org/item/M2AN_2000__34_6_1203_0/} }
TY - JOUR AU - Runborg, Olof TI - Some new results in multiphase geometrical optics JO - ESAIM: Modélisation mathématique et analyse numérique PY - 2000 SP - 1203 EP - 1231 VL - 34 IS - 6 PB - Dunod PP - Paris UR - http://archive.numdam.org/item/M2AN_2000__34_6_1203_0/ LA - en ID - M2AN_2000__34_6_1203_0 ER -
Runborg, Olof. Some new results in multiphase geometrical optics. ESAIM: Modélisation mathématique et analyse numérique, Volume 34 (2000) no. 6, pp. 1203-1231. http://archive.numdam.org/item/M2AN_2000__34_6_1203_0/
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