@article{PMIHES_1999__89__5_0, author = {Skinner, C.M. and Wiles, Andrew J.}, title = {Residually reductible representations and modular forms}, journal = {Publications Math\'ematiques de l'IH\'ES}, pages = {5--126}, publisher = {Institut des Hautes \'Etudes Scientifiques}, volume = {89}, year = {1999}, mrnumber = {1793414}, zbl = {01560381}, language = {en}, url = {http://archive.numdam.org/item/PMIHES_1999__89__5_0/} }
TY - JOUR AU - Skinner, C.M. AU - Wiles, Andrew J. TI - Residually reductible representations and modular forms JO - Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS PY - 1999 SP - 5 EP - 126 VL - 89 PB - Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques UR - http://archive.numdam.org/item/PMIHES_1999__89__5_0/ LA - en ID - PMIHES_1999__89__5_0 ER -
%0 Journal Article %A Skinner, C.M. %A Wiles, Andrew J. %T Residually reductible representations and modular forms %J Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS %D 1999 %P 5-126 %V 89 %I Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques %U http://archive.numdam.org/item/PMIHES_1999__89__5_0/ %G en %F PMIHES_1999__89__5_0
Skinner, C.M.; Wiles, Andrew J. Residually reductible representations and modular forms. Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS, Volume 89 (1999), pp. 5-126. http://archive.numdam.org/item/PMIHES_1999__89__5_0/
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