Strict convex regularizations, proximal points and augmented lagrangians
RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle, Tome 34 (2000) no. 3, pp. 283-303.
     author = {Humes Jr., Carlos and Da silva E Silva, Paulo Jos\'e},
     title = {Strict convex regularizations, proximal points and augmented lagrangians},
     journal = {RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Op\'erationnelle},
     pages = {283--303},
     publisher = {EDP-Sciences},
     volume = {34},
     number = {3},
     year = {2000},
     mrnumber = {1786463},
     zbl = {1029.90069},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
AU  - Humes Jr., Carlos
AU  - Da silva E Silva, Paulo José
TI  - Strict convex regularizations, proximal points and augmented lagrangians
JO  - RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle
PY  - 2000
SP  - 283
EP  - 303
VL  - 34
IS  - 3
PB  - EDP-Sciences
UR  -
LA  - en
ID  - RO_2000__34_3_283_0
ER  - 
%0 Journal Article
%A Humes Jr., Carlos
%A Da silva E Silva, Paulo José
%T Strict convex regularizations, proximal points and augmented lagrangians
%J RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle
%D 2000
%P 283-303
%V 34
%N 3
%I EDP-Sciences
%G en
%F RO_2000__34_3_283_0
Humes Jr., Carlos; Da silva E Silva, Paulo José. Strict convex regularizations, proximal points and augmented lagrangians. RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle, Tome 34 (2000) no. 3, pp. 283-303.

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