A counterexample for the Markov property of local time for diffusions on graphs
Séminaire de probabilités de Strasbourg, Tome 29 (1995), pp. 260-265.
     author = {Eisenbaum, Nathalie and Kaspi, Haya},
     title = {A counterexample for the {Markov} property of local time for diffusions on graphs},
     journal = {S\'eminaire de probabilit\'es de Strasbourg},
     pages = {260--265},
     publisher = {Springer - Lecture Notes in Mathematics},
     volume = {29},
     year = {1995},
     mrnumber = {1459467},
     zbl = {0849.60076},
     language = {en},
     url = {https://www.numdam.org/item/SPS_1995__29__260_0/}
AU  - Eisenbaum, Nathalie
AU  - Kaspi, Haya
TI  - A counterexample for the Markov property of local time for diffusions on graphs
JO  - Séminaire de probabilités de Strasbourg
PY  - 1995
SP  - 260
EP  - 265
VL  - 29
PB  - Springer - Lecture Notes in Mathematics
UR  - https://www.numdam.org/item/SPS_1995__29__260_0/
LA  - en
ID  - SPS_1995__29__260_0
ER  - 
%0 Journal Article
%A Eisenbaum, Nathalie
%A Kaspi, Haya
%T A counterexample for the Markov property of local time for diffusions on graphs
%J Séminaire de probabilités de Strasbourg
%D 1995
%P 260-265
%V 29
%I Springer - Lecture Notes in Mathematics
%U https://www.numdam.org/item/SPS_1995__29__260_0/
%G en
%F SPS_1995__29__260_0
Eisenbaum, Nathalie; Kaspi, Haya. A counterexample for the Markov property of local time for diffusions on graphs. Séminaire de probabilités de Strasbourg, Tome 29 (1995), pp. 260-265. https://www.numdam.org/item/SPS_1995__29__260_0/

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