The filling radius of homogeneous manifolds
Séminaire de théorie spectrale et géométrie, Volume 9 (1990-1991), pp. 103-109.
     author = {Katz, Mikhail},
     title = {The filling radius of homogeneous manifolds},
     journal = {S\'eminaire de th\'eorie spectrale et g\'eom\'etrie},
     pages = {103--109},
     publisher = {Institut Fourier},
     address = {Grenoble},
     volume = {9},
     year = {1990-1991},
     mrnumber = {1715933},
     zbl = {0742.53012},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
AU  - Katz, Mikhail
TI  - The filling radius of homogeneous manifolds
JO  - Séminaire de théorie spectrale et géométrie
PY  - 1990-1991
SP  - 103
EP  - 109
VL  - 9
PB  - Institut Fourier
PP  - Grenoble
UR  -
LA  - en
ID  - TSG_1990-1991__9__103_0
ER  - 
%0 Journal Article
%A Katz, Mikhail
%T The filling radius of homogeneous manifolds
%J Séminaire de théorie spectrale et géométrie
%D 1990-1991
%P 103-109
%V 9
%I Institut Fourier
%C Grenoble
%G en
%F TSG_1990-1991__9__103_0
Katz, Mikhail. The filling radius of homogeneous manifolds. Séminaire de théorie spectrale et géométrie, Volume 9 (1990-1991), pp. 103-109.

[1] Gromov M. - Filling Riemannian manifolds, J. Differential Geom., 18 ( 1983), 1-147. | MR | Zbl

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[3] Katz M. - The rational filling radius of complex projective space, Topol, and its appl ., 1991, to appear. | MR | Zbl

[4] Katz M. - On neighborhoods of the Kuratowski imbedding beyond the first extremum of the diameter functional, Fund. Math., 137 ( 1991), 161-175. | MR | Zbl