Lecture notes
Lecture notes
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Annales de l'Institut Fourier
Volume 49 (1999)
Issue no. 1
Table of Contents
On pairs of closed geodesics on hyperbolic surfaces
Pitt, Nigel J. E.
p. 1-25
Sur l'approximation algébrique en degré de transcendance un
Laurent, Michel
Roy, Damien
p. 27-55
Variétés de modules alternatives
Drezet, Jean-Marc
p. 57-139
Systèmes linéaires adjoints
Eyssidieux, Philippe
p. 141-176
On the complex geometry of invariant domains in complexified symmetric spaces
Neeb, Karl-Hermann
p. 177-225
Développements asymptotiques
-Gevrey et séries
Zhang, Changgui
p. 227-261
Courants kählériens et surfaces compactes
Lamari, Ahcène
p. 263-285
On compact Kähler surfaces
Buchdahl, Nicholas
p. 287-302
Hyperelliptic action integral
Elsner, Bernhard
p. 303-331
Dimension globale et classe fondamentale d'un espace
Rami, Youssef
p. 333-350
The trace of the generalized harmonic oscillator
Wunsch, Jared
p. 351-373
Issue no. 2
Table of Contents
Affine plane curves with one place at infinity
Suzuki, Masakazu
p. 375-404
A boundedness theorem for morphisms between threefolds
Amerik, Ekatarina
Rovinsky, Marat
Van De Ven, Antonius
p. 405-415
Geometric subgroups of surface braid groups
Paris, Luis
Rolfsen, Dale
p. 417-472
Irreducible components of rigid spaces
Conrad, Brian
p. 473-541
Quelques valeurs prises par les polynômes de Macdonald décalés
Lassalle, Michel
p. 543-561
Trajectories of polynomial vector fields and ascending chains of polynomial ideals
Novikov, Dmitri
Yakovenko, Sergei
p. 563-609
Abelian integrals related to Morse polynomials and perturbations of plane hamiltonian vector fields
Gavrilov, Lubomir
p. 611-652
Sur les fonctions entières à double pas récurrent
Brisebarre, Nicolas
Habsieger, Laurent
p. 653-671
Amenable groups and cellular automata
Ceccherini-Silberstein, Tullio G.
Machi, Antonio
Scarabotti, Fabio
p. 673-685
Étude d'une fonction remarquable associée aux moyennes de convolution
Even, Christian
p. 687-705
Non-Sunada graphs
Brooks, Robert
p. 707-725
Issue no. 3
Table of Contents
Séries de croissance et polynômes d'Ehrhart associés aux réseaux de racines
Bacher, Roland
Harpe, P. de la
Venkov, Boris
p. 727-762
Modular invariance property of association schemes, type II codes over finite rings and finite abelian groups and reminiscences of François Jaeger (a survey)
Bannai, Eiichi
p. 763-782
Edge-disjoint odd cycles in graphs with small chromatic number
Berge, Claude
Reed, Bruce
p. 783-786
Symmetric flows and broadcasting in hypercubes
Bermond, Jean-Claude
Bonnecaze, A.
Kodate, T.
Pérennes, Stéphane
Solé, Patrick
p. 787-807
Bipartite graphs that are not circle graphs
Bouchet, André
p. 809-814
Some graphic uses of an even number of odd nodes
Cameron, Kathie
Edmonds, Jack
p. 815-827
Metric coset schemes revisited
Camion, Paul
Courteau, Bernard
Montpetit, André
p. 829-859
Déterminants et intégrales de Fresnel
Colin De Verdière, Yves
p. 861-881
Une axiomatisation au premier ordre des arrangements de pseudodroites euclidiennes
Courcelle, Bruno
Olive, Frédéric
p. 883-903
On a problem of walks
Delorme, Charles
Heydemann, Marie-Claude
p. 905-919
Some remarks on Jaeger's dual-hamiltonian conjecture
Jackson, Bill
Whitehead, Carol A.
p. 921-926
Combinatorics and topology - François Jaeger's work in knot theory
Kauffman, Louis H.
p. 927-953
Colorations généralisées, graphes biorientés et deux ou trois choses sur François
Khelladi, Abdelkader
p. 955-971
The Tutte polynomial of a morphism of matroids I. Set-pointed matroids and matroid perspectives
Las Vergnas, Michel
p. 973-1015
On the null space of a Colin de Verdière matrix
Lovász, Lászlo
Schrijver, Alexander
p. 1017-1026
A generalization of Jaeger-Nomura's Bose Mesner algebra associated to type II matrices
Matsumoto, Makoto
p. 1027-1035
Antisymmetric flows and strong colourings of oriented graphs
Nešetřill, J.
Raspaud, André
p. 1037-1056
A weighted graph polynomial from chromatic invariants of knots
Noble, Steven D.
Welsh, Dominic J. A.
p. 1057-1087
The graph polynomial and the number of proper vertex coloring
Tarsi, Michael
p. 1089-1093
Bicubic planar maps
Tutte, William T.
p. 1095-1102
On the rooted Tutte polynomial
Wu, F. Y.
King, C.
Lu, W. T.
p. 1103-1114
Issue no. 4
Table of Contents
Curvature flows of maximal integral triangulations
Bacher, Roland
p. 1115-1128
Local embeddings of lines in singular hypersurfaces
Jiang, Guangfeng
Siersma, Dirk
p. 1129-1147
A non-abelian tensor product of Leibniz algebra
Gnedbaye, Allahtan Victor
p. 1149-1177
The Harish-Chandra homomorphism for a quantized classical hermitian symmetric pair
Baldoni, Welleda
Frajria, Pierluigi Möseneder
p. 1179-1214
Sur l'accessibilité acylindrique des groupes de présentation finie
Delzant, Thomas
p. 1215-1224
Simplicity of Neretin's group of spheromorphisms
Kapoudjian, Christophe
p. 1225-1240
Norm estimates for unitarizable highest weight modules
Krötz, Bernhard
p. 1241-1264
Harmonic metrics and connections with irregular singularities
Sabbah, Claude
p. 1265-1291
Approximation de fonctions holomorphes d'un nombre infini de variables
Lempert, László
p. 1293-1304
Unitaires multiplicatifs en dimension finie et leurs sous-objets
Baaj, Saad
Blanchard, Étienne
Skandalis, Georges
p. 1305-1344
Riesz potentials and amalgams
Cowling, Michael
Meda, Stefano
Pasquale, Roberta
p. 1345-1367
A note on projective Levi flats and minimal sets of algebraic foliations
Neto, Alcides Lins
p. 1369-1385
Sur le problème inverse du calcul des variations : existence de lagrangiens associés à un spray dans le cas isotrope
Grifone, Joseph
Muzsnay, Zoltán
p. 1387-1421
A splitting theorem for the Kupka component of a foliation of
. Addendum to an addendum to a paper by Calvo-Andrade and Soares
Ballico, Edoardo
p. 1423-1425
Issue no. 5
Table of Contents
The Milgram non-operad
Brinkmeier, Michael
p. 1427-1438
Sur la réalité des points doubles des courbes gauches
Pecker, Daniel
p. 1439-1452
On spherical nilpotent orbits and beyond
Panyushev, Dmitri I.
p. 1453-1476
On Hardy spaces in complex ellipsoids
Hansson, Thomas
p. 1477-1501
Vector fields and foliations on compact surfaces of class
Dloussky, Georges
Oeljeklaus, Karl
p. 1503-1545
Hodge numbers attached to a polynomial map
López, R. García
Némethi, A.
p. 1547-1579
On solutions of the Schrödinger equation with radiation conditions at infinity: the long-range case
Gâtel, Yannick
Yafaev, Dimitri
p. 1581-1602
Eigenvalue asymptotics for the Pauli operator in strong nonconstant magnetic fields
Raikov, Georgi D.
p. 1603-1636
Kähler manifolds with small eigenvalues of the Dirac operator and a conjecture of Lichnerowicz
Moroianu, Andrei
p. 1637-1659
Symplectic subvarieties of projective fibrations over symplectic manifolds
Paoletti, Roberto
p. 1661-1672
Weakly-Einstein hermitian surfaces
Apostolov, Vestislav
Muškarov, Oleg
p. 1673-1692
Commutativity and non-commutativity of topological sequence entropy
Balibrea, Francisco
Peña, Jose Salvador Cánovas
López, Víctor Jiménez
p. 1693-1709
Issue no. 6
Table of Contents
Invariant differential operators on the tangent space of some symmetric spaces
Levasseur, Thierry
Stafford, J. Toby
p. 1711-1741
Algebraic and symplectic Gromov-Witten invariants coincide
Siebert, Bernd
p. 1743-1795
Algebraic equivalence of real algebraic cycles
Abánades, Miguel
Kucharz, Wojciech
p. 1797-1804
Types induits des paraboliques maximaux de
Blasco, Laure
Blondel, Corinne
p. 1805-1851
Two random constructions inside lacunary sets
Neuwirth, Stefan
p. 1853-1867
Finite rank approximation and semidiscreteness for linear operators
Merdy, Christian Le
p. 1869-1901
Definitions of Sobolev classes on metric spaces
Franchi, Bruno
Hajłasz, Piotr
Koskela, Pekka
p. 1903-1924
In search of the invisible spectrum
Nikolski, Nikolai
p. 1925-1998
Conformally equivariant quantization: existence and uniqueness
Duval, Christian
Lecomte, Pierre
Ovsienko, Valentin
p. 1999-2029