Lecture notes
Lecture notes
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Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques
Volume 31 (1995)
Issue no. 1
Table of Contents
Préface au numéro spécial en l'honneur de Claude Kipnis
Saada, E.
Landim, C.
p. 3-12
Equivalence of exponential decay rates for bootstrap percolation like cellular automata
Andjel, Enrique D.
Mountford, Thomas S.
Schonmann, Roberto H.
p. 13-25
Variance of number of lattice points in random narrow elliptic strip
Bleher, Pavel M.
Lebowitz, Joel L.
p. 27-58
Existence of positive harmonic functions on groups and on covering manifolds
Bougerol, Philippe
Elie, Laure
p. 59-80
Brownian fluctuations of the interface in the D=1 Ginzburg-Landau equation with noise
Brassesco, S.
De Masi, A.
Presutti, E.
p. 81-118
Techniques de couplage en fiabilité
Cocozza-Thivent, C.
Roussignol, M.
p. 119-141
Second class particles in the rarefaction fan
Ferrari, P. A.
Kipnis, C.
p. 143-154
Exponential waiting time for filling a large interval in the symmetric simple exclusion process
Ferrari, P. A.
Galves, A.
Liggett, T. M.
p. 155-175
Antisymmetric functionals of reversible Markov processes
Goldstein, Sheldon
p. 177-190
Macroscopic properties of a stationary non-equilibrium distribution for anon-gradient interacting particle system
Kipnis, C.
Landim, C.
Olla, S.
p. 191-221
Grandes déviations pour un système hydrodynamique asymétrique de particules indépendantes
Kipnis, C.
Léonard, C.
p. 223-248
Random walk in a strongly inhomogeneous environment and invasion percolation
Newman, C. M.
Stein, D. L.
p. 249-261
Un modèle du votant en milieu aléatoire
Saada, Ellen
p. 263-271
Self Diffusion of a tagged particle in equilibrium for asymmetric mean zero random walk with simple exclusion
Varadhan, S.R.S.
p. 273-285
Issue no. 2
Table of Contents
Large deviations for long range interacting particle systems with jumps
Léonard, Christian
p. 289-323
Sur l'existence des suites de variables aléatoires s à s indépendantes échangeables ou stationnaires
Bretagnolle, Jean
Klopotowski, Andrzej
p. 325-350
Stratonovich stochastic differential equations driven by general semimartingales
Kurtz, Thomas G.
Pardoux, Étienne
Protter, Philip
p. 351-377
Lévy processes that can creep downwards never increase
Bertoin, Jean
p. 379-391
Invariance principles for absolutely regular empirical processes
Doukhan, P.
Massart, P.
Rio, E.
p. 393-427
Issue no. 3
Table of Contents
Martingales browniennes et conjecture de Sakai
Piau, Didier
p. 429-452
Perfect filtering and double disjointness
Furstenberg, Hillel
Peres, Yuval
Weiss, Benjamin
p. 453-465
Représentation des endomorphismes de l'espace de Wiener qui préservent les martingales
Attal, Stéphane
p. 467-484
Fast oscillating random perturbations of dynamical systems with conservation laws
Borodin, A. N.
Freidlin, M. I.
p. 485-525
Représentation des mesures par des fonctionnelles additives entre deux temps
Fourati, S.
p. 527-544
Inefficient estimators of the bivariate survival function for three models
Gill, Richard D.
Laan, Mark J. van der
Wellner, Jon A.
p. 545-597
Issue no. 4
Table of Contents
Markov dilations of nonconservative dynamical semigroups and a quantum boundary theory
Rajarama Bhat, B. V.
Parthasarathy, K. R.
p. 601-651
Local times and almost sure convergence of semi-martingales
Rajeev, B.
Yor, M.
p. 653-667
Hardy-Littlewood theory on unimodular groups
Varopoulos, N. Th.
p. 669-688
The missing factor in Hoeffding's inequalities
Talagrand, Michel
p. 689-702
Erratum / Correction to : “A bound on the moment generating function of a sum of dependent variables with an application to simple random sampling without replacement”
La Peña, Victor H. de
p. 703-704
Erratum / Correction to : “Minimization of the Kullback information of diffusion processes”
Cattiaux, P.
Léonard, C.
p. 705-707