Lecture notes
Lecture notes
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Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques
Volume 36 (2000)
Issue no. 1
Table of Contents
On the functional central limit theorem for stationary processes
Dedecker, Jérôme
Rio, Emmanuel
p. 1-34
On the marginal laws of one-dimensional stochastic integrals with uniformly elliptic integrand
Martini, Claude
p. 35-43
Non-symmetric approximations for manifold-valued semimartingales
Cohen, Serge
Estrade, Anne
p. 45-70
A large deviation theorem for the empirical eigenvalue distribution of random unitary matrices
Hiai, Fumio
Petz, Dénes
p. 71-85
A continuity property of the dimension of the harmonic measure of Cantor sets under perturbations
Batakis, Athanassios
p. 87-107
Issue no. 2
Table of Contents
The asymmetric simple exclusion model with multiple shocks
Ferrari, P. A.
Fontes, L. R. G.
Vares, M. E.
p. 109-126
Asymptotics of a dynamic random walk in a random scenery : I. Law of large numbers
Guillotin, N.
p. 127-151
Multiple return times theorems for weakly mixing systems
Assani, I.
p. 153-165
Stochastic partial differential equations for a class of interacting measure-valued diffusions
Dawson, D. A.
Vaillancourt, J.
Wang, H.
p. 167-180
Stochastic heat equation with white-noise drift
Alòs, E.
Nualart, D.
Viens, F.
p. 181-218
Upper and lower limits of doubly perturbed brownian motion
Chaumont, L.
Doney, R. A.
Hu, Y.
p. 219-249
Completely asymmetric Lévy processes confined in a finite interval
Lambert, A.
p. 251-274
Issue no. 3
Table of Contents
A Berry-Esseen theorem on semisimple Lie groups
Tolli, Filippo
p. 275-290
On the existence of cohomologous continuous cocycles for cocycles with values in some Lie groups
Derrien, Jean-Marc
p. 291-300
Extinction for two parabolic stochastic PDE's on the lattice
Mueller, C.
Perkins, E.
p. 301-338
Statistics of return times for weighted maps of the interval
Paccaut, Frédéric
p. 339-366
First occurrence time of a large density fluctuation for a system of independent random walks
Asselah, Amine
Dai Pra, Paolo
p. 367-393
Percolation on nonamenable products at the uniqueness threshold
Peres, Yuval
p. 395-406
Issue no. 4
Table of Contents
Differentiability of multiplicative processes related to branching random walks
Barral, Julien
p. 407-417
Some remarks on isoperimetry of gaussian type
Barthe, F.
Maurey, B.
p. 419-434
A deviation inequality for non-reversible Markov processes
Wu, Liming
p. 435-445
On weak brownian motions of arbitrary order
Föllmer, Hans
Wu, Ching-Tang
Yor, Marc
p. 447-487
Le poisson n'a pas d'arêtes
Bousch, Thierry
p. 489-508
Reflection and coalescence between independent one-dimensional brownian paths
Soucaliuc, Florin
Tóth, Bálint
Werner, Wendelin
p. 509-545
Issue no. 5
Table of Contents
Weak convergence for empirical processes of associated sequences
Louhichi, Sana
p. 547-567
Some properties of cellular automata with equicontinuity points
Blanchard, F.
Tisseur, P.
p. 569-582
Chung-type functional laws of the iterated logarithm for tail empirical processes
Deheuvels, Paul
p. 583-616
Polynômes trigonométriques et marches aléatoires multidimensionnelles : application à la théorie ergodique
Schneider, Dominique
p. 617-646
Hypercontractivité et isopérimétrie gaussienne. Applications aux systèmes de spins
Fougères, Pierre
p. 647-689
Issue no. 6
Table of Contents
Strong law of large numbers for the interface in ballistic deposition
Seppäläinen, Timo
p. 691-736
Velocity and Lyapounov exponents of some random walks in random environment
Zerner, Martin P. W.
p. 737-748
Thin points for brownian motion
Dembo, Amir
Peres, Yuval
Rosen, Jay
Zeitouni, Ofer
p. 749-774
A class of generalized Ornstein transformations with the weak mixing property
El Abdalaoui, El Houcein
p. 775-786
Limit velocity for a driven particle in a random medium with mass aggregation
Fontes, Luiz Renato G.
Jordão Neves, Eduardo
Sidoravicius, Vladas
p. 787-805