In this Note, we give the stochastic maximum principle for optimal control of stochastic PDEs in the general case (when the control domain need not be convex and the diffusion coefficient can contain a control variable).
Dans cette Note, nous présentons un principe du maximum stochastique pour le contrôle optimal des EDP stochastiques dans le cas général (quand le domaine du contrôle nʼest pas forcément convexe et que le coefficient de diffusion peut contenir la variable de contrôle).
Published online:
@article{CRMATH_2012__350_13-14_683_0, author = {Fuhrman, Marco and Hu, Ying and Tessitore, Gianmario}, title = {Stochastic maximum principle for optimal control of {SPDEs}}, journal = {Comptes Rendus. Math\'ematique}, pages = {683--688}, publisher = {Elsevier}, volume = {350}, number = {13-14}, year = {2012}, doi = {10.1016/j.crma.2012.07.009}, language = {en}, url = {} }
TY - JOUR AU - Fuhrman, Marco AU - Hu, Ying AU - Tessitore, Gianmario TI - Stochastic maximum principle for optimal control of SPDEs JO - Comptes Rendus. Mathématique PY - 2012 SP - 683 EP - 688 VL - 350 IS - 13-14 PB - Elsevier UR - DO - 10.1016/j.crma.2012.07.009 LA - en ID - CRMATH_2012__350_13-14_683_0 ER -
%0 Journal Article %A Fuhrman, Marco %A Hu, Ying %A Tessitore, Gianmario %T Stochastic maximum principle for optimal control of SPDEs %J Comptes Rendus. Mathématique %D 2012 %P 683-688 %V 350 %N 13-14 %I Elsevier %U %R 10.1016/j.crma.2012.07.009 %G en %F CRMATH_2012__350_13-14_683_0
Fuhrman, Marco; Hu, Ying; Tessitore, Gianmario. Stochastic maximum principle for optimal control of SPDEs. Comptes Rendus. Mathématique, Volume 350 (2012) no. 13-14, pp. 683-688. doi : 10.1016/j.crma.2012.07.009.
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☆ Supported by Marie Curie ITN Call: FP7-PEOPLE-2007-1-1-ITN, No. 213841-2: Deterministic and Stochastic Controlled Systems and Applications.