A topological introduction to Lipschitz geometry of complex singularities
[A topological introduction to Lipschitz geometry of complex singularities]
Winter Braids IX (Reims, 2019), Winter Braids Lecture Notes (2019), Exposé no. 3, 17 p.

These are the notes of the three lectures I gave during the IXth Winterbraids School which took place in Reims from 4 to 7th March 2019. The aim of this course was to introduce researchers working in low-dimensional topology to Lipschitz geometry of complex singularities. In these lectures, I focussed on topological points of view on the objects, avoiding as much as possible technical material from algebraic geometry and singularity theory such as resolution of singularities, Nash transform, generic projections of curves and surfaces, etc.

It starts with an introduction to Lipschitz geometry of singular spaces. It then gives the complete classification of Lipschitz geometry of complex curves and covers the result of [17]. The last part is an introduction to Lipschitz geometry of complex surfaces and states the thick-thin decomposition Theorem of a normal complex surface proved in [6].

DOI : 10.5802/wbln.29
Pichon, Anne 1

1 Aix Marseille Université, CNRS, Centrale Marseille, I2M, UMR 7373, 13453 Marseille, France
     author = {Pichon, Anne},
     title = {A topological introduction to {Lipschitz} geometry of complex singularities},
     booktitle = {Winter Braids IX (Reims, 2019)},
     series = {Winter Braids Lecture Notes},
     note = {talk:3},
     pages = {1--17},
     publisher = {Winter Braids School},
     year = {2019},
     doi = {10.5802/wbln.29},
     language = {en},
     url = {http://archive.numdam.org/articles/10.5802/wbln.29/}
AU  - Pichon, Anne
TI  - A topological introduction to Lipschitz geometry of complex singularities
BT  - Winter Braids IX (Reims, 2019)
AU  - Collectif
T3  - Winter Braids Lecture Notes
N1  - talk:3
PY  - 2019
SP  - 1
EP  - 17
PB  - Winter Braids School
UR  - http://archive.numdam.org/articles/10.5802/wbln.29/
DO  - 10.5802/wbln.29
LA  - en
ID  - WBLN_2019__6__A3_0
ER  - 
%0 Journal Article
%A Pichon, Anne
%T A topological introduction to Lipschitz geometry of complex singularities
%B Winter Braids IX (Reims, 2019)
%A Collectif
%S Winter Braids Lecture Notes
%Z talk:3
%D 2019
%P 1-17
%I Winter Braids School
%U http://archive.numdam.org/articles/10.5802/wbln.29/
%R 10.5802/wbln.29
%G en
%F WBLN_2019__6__A3_0
Pichon, Anne. A topological introduction to Lipschitz geometry of complex singularities, dans Winter Braids IX (Reims, 2019), Winter Braids Lecture Notes (2019), Exposé no. 3, 17 p. doi : 10.5802/wbln.29. http://archive.numdam.org/articles/10.5802/wbln.29/

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[5] Lev Birbrair, Alexandre Fernandes, Jose Edson Sampaio, Misha Verbitsky, Multiplicity of singularities is not a bi-Lipschitz invariant, Math. Ann. 377 (2020), no. 1-2, 115-121. | DOI | MR | Zbl

[6] Lev Birbrair, Walter D Neumann and Anne Pichon, The thick-thin decomposition and the bilipschitz classification of normal surface singularities, Acta Math 212 (2014), 199–254. | DOI | MR | Zbl

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[17] Walter D Neumann and Anne Pichon, Lipschitz geometry of complex curves, Journal of Singularities 10 (2014), 225-234. | DOI | MR | Zbl

[18] Walter D Neumann and Anne Pichon, Lipschitz geometry of complex surfaces: analytic invariants and equisingularity, arXiv:1211.4897v1.

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[22] Pham F., Teissier B. (2020) Lipschitz Fractions of a Complex Analytic Algebra and Zariski Saturation. In: Neumann W., Pichon A. (eds) Introduction to Lipschitz Geometry of Singularities. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol 2280. Springer (2020). | DOI | Zbl

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