@incollection{SB_2001-2002__44__37_0, author = {Coates, John}, title = {Iwasawa algebras and arithmetic}, booktitle = {S\'eminaire Bourbaki : volume 2001/2002, expos\'es 894-908}, series = {Ast\'erisque}, note = {talk:896}, pages = {37--52}, publisher = {Soci\'et\'e math\'ematique de France}, number = {290}, year = {2003}, mrnumber = {2074050}, zbl = {1077.11077}, language = {en}, url = {http://archive.numdam.org/item/SB_2001-2002__44__37_0/} }
TY - CHAP AU - Coates, John TI - Iwasawa algebras and arithmetic BT - Séminaire Bourbaki : volume 2001/2002, exposés 894-908 AU - Collectif T3 - Astérisque N1 - talk:896 PY - 2003 SP - 37 EP - 52 IS - 290 PB - Société mathématique de France UR - http://archive.numdam.org/item/SB_2001-2002__44__37_0/ LA - en ID - SB_2001-2002__44__37_0 ER -
%0 Book Section %A Coates, John %T Iwasawa algebras and arithmetic %B Séminaire Bourbaki : volume 2001/2002, exposés 894-908 %A Collectif %S Astérisque %Z talk:896 %D 2003 %P 37-52 %N 290 %I Société mathématique de France %U http://archive.numdam.org/item/SB_2001-2002__44__37_0/ %G en %F SB_2001-2002__44__37_0
Coates, John. Iwasawa algebras and arithmetic, in Séminaire Bourbaki : volume 2001/2002, exposés 894-908, Astérisque, no. 290 (2003), Talk no. 896, 16 p. http://archive.numdam.org/item/SB_2001-2002__44__37_0/
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