Knots and 4-manifolds
Winter Braids IX (Reims, 2019), Winter Braids Lecture Notes (2019), Talk no. 2, 26 p.

These notes are based on the lectures given by the author during Winter Braids IX in Reims in March 2019. We discuss slice knots and why they are interesting, as well as some ways to decide if a given knot is or is not slice. We describe various methods for drawing diagrams of double branched covers of knots in the 3-sphere and surfaces in the 4-ball, and how these can be useful to decide if an alternating knot is slice. We include a description of the computer search for slice alternating knots due to the author and Frank Swenton.

DOI: 10.5802/wbln.28
Owens, Brendan 1

1 School of Mathematics and Statistics,University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8SQ, United Kingdom
     author = {Owens, Brendan},
     title = {Knots and 4-manifolds},
     booktitle = {Winter Braids IX (Reims, 2019)},
     series = {Winter Braids Lecture Notes},
     note = {talk:2},
     pages = {1--26},
     publisher = {Winter Braids School},
     year = {2019},
     doi = {10.5802/wbln.28},
     language = {en},
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TI  - Knots and 4-manifolds
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AU  - Collectif
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%T Knots and 4-manifolds
%B Winter Braids IX (Reims, 2019)
%A Collectif
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%D 2019
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Owens, Brendan. Knots and 4-manifolds, in Winter Braids IX (Reims, 2019), Winter Braids Lecture Notes (2019), Talk no. 2, 26 p. doi : 10.5802/wbln.28.

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