The Hurwitz existence problem for surface branched covers
[The Hurwitz existence problem for surface branched covers]
Winter Braids X (Pisa, 2020), Winter Braids Lecture Notes (2020), Exposé no. 2, 43 p.

To a branched cover f:Σ ˜Σ between closed surfaces one can associate a combinatorial datum given by the topological types of Σ ˜ and Σ, the degree d of f, the number n of branching points of f, and the n partitions of d given by the local degrees of f at the preimages of the branching points. This datum must satisfy the Riemann-Hurwitz condition plus some extra ones if either Σ or both Σ and Σ ˜ are non-orientable. A very old question posed by Hurwitz [14] in 1891 asks whether a combinatorial datum satisfying these necessary conditions is actually realizable (namely, associated to some existing f) or not (in which case it is called exceptional). Or, more generally, to count the number of realizations of the datum up to a natural equivalence relation. Many partial answers have been given to the Hurwitz problem over the time, but a complete solution is still missing. In this short course we will report on ancient and recent results and techniques employed to attack the question.

DOI : 10.5802/wbln.34
Classification : 57M12
Petronio, Carlo 1

1 Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Pisa, Largo Bruno Pontecorvo 5, 56127 Pisa, Italy
     author = {Petronio, Carlo},
     title = {The {Hurwitz} existence problem for surface branched covers},
     booktitle = {Winter Braids X (Pisa, 2020)},
     series = {Winter Braids Lecture Notes},
     note = {talk:2},
     pages = {1--43},
     publisher = {Winter Braids School},
     year = {2020},
     doi = {10.5802/wbln.34},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
AU  - Petronio, Carlo
TI  - The Hurwitz existence problem for surface branched covers
BT  - Winter Braids X (Pisa, 2020)
AU  - Collectif
T3  - Winter Braids Lecture Notes
N1  - talk:2
PY  - 2020
SP  - 1
EP  - 43
PB  - Winter Braids School
UR  -
DO  - 10.5802/wbln.34
LA  - en
ID  - WBLN_2020__7__A2_0
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%A Petronio, Carlo
%T The Hurwitz existence problem for surface branched covers
%B Winter Braids X (Pisa, 2020)
%A Collectif
%S Winter Braids Lecture Notes
%Z talk:2
%D 2020
%P 1-43
%I Winter Braids School
%R 10.5802/wbln.34
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Petronio, Carlo. The Hurwitz existence problem for surface branched covers, dans Winter Braids X (Pisa, 2020), Winter Braids Lecture Notes (2020), Exposé no. 2, 43 p. doi : 10.5802/wbln.34.

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