Table of contents
Group Theory/Dynamical Systems
Explicit left orders on free groups extending the lexicographic order on free monoids
Mathematical Analysis/Harmonic Analysis
On the differentiable vectors for contragredient representations
Mathematical Analysis/Partial Differential Equations
On the asymptotics of a Robin eigenvalue problem
Partial Differential Equations
Lipschitz stability estimate in the inverse Robin problem for the Stokes system
Partial Differential Equations/Calculus of Variations
Stability of the vortex defect in the Landau–de Gennes theory for nematic liquid crystals
Partial Differential Equations/Optimal Control
Uniform analyticity and exponential decay of the semigroup associated with a thermoelastic plate equation with perturbed boundary conditions
Optimal Control/Calculus of Variations
A least-squares formulation for the approximation of null controls for the Stokes system
Comportement asymptotique de lʼestimateur non paramétrique de la fonction de renouvellement associée à des variables aléatoires positives indépendantes et non stationnaires
[Asymptotic behavior of the nonparametric estimator for the renewal function associated with independent and nonstationary positive random variables]