Table of contents

The (6)-half-reconstructibility of digraphs

Théorie des nombres
Grandes valeurs d'une fonction additive liée aux diviseurs généralisés d'un nombre entier
[Large values of an additive function linked with generalized divisors of an integer]

Number theory
On small zeros of automorphic L-functions

Group theory/Topology
A remark on the connectedness of spheres in Cayley graphs

Mathematical analysis/Complex analysis
Lagrange interpolation problem for quaternion polynomials

Complex analysis/Harmonic analysis
A characterization of Möbius transformations

Partial differential equations/Dynamical systems
Non-existence of small-amplitude doubly periodic waves for dispersive equations

Partial differential equations
KAM for quasi-linear KdV

Probabilités/Physique mathématique
Particule à haute énergie dans un potentiel aléatoire dépendant du temps
[High-energy particle in a time-dependent random potential]