Table of contents
Homological algebra/Algebraic geometry
Algebraic K-theory with coefficients of cyclic quotient singularities
Mathematical analysis/Functional analysis
Splittings of extensions and homological bidimension of the algebra of bounded operators on a Banach space
Ordinary differential equations/Analytic geometry
On the number of fibrations transverse to a rational curve in complex surfaces
Ordinary differential equations/Dynamical systems
A higher-dimensional Poincaré–Birkhoff theorem without monotone twist
Partial differential equations
Solenoidal extensions of vector fields in two-dimensional unbounded domains
Partial differential equations/Dynamical systems
Periodic solitons for the elliptic–elliptic focussing Davey–Stewartson equations
Partial differential equations
When “blow-up” does not imply “concentration”: A detour from Brézis–Merle's result
Partial differential equations/Numerical analysis
On non-linear Stokes problems with viscosity depending on the distance to the wall
Modèle non paramétrique parcimonieux pour la détection des points d'impact d'une variable fonctionnelle
[Nonparametric selection of impact points in functional regression]
Mathematical problems in mechanics
From the free surface flow of a viscoelastic fluid towards the elastic deformation of a solid