Table of contents
Number theory/Dynamical systems
A variational principle in the parametric geometry of numbers, with applications to metric Diophantine approximation
Théorie des nombres
Sur la méthode de Runge et les points entiers de certaines variétés modulaires de Siegel
[On Runge's method and the integral points of some modular varieties]
Mathematical analysis/Dynamical systems
Fully oscillating sequences and weighted multiple ergodic limit
Ordinary differential equations/Dynamical systems
The flowbox theorem for divergence-free Lipschitz vector fields
Équations aux dérivées partielles/Physique mathématique
Propagation des singularités et résonances
[Propagation of singularities and resonances]
Partial differential equations
Well-posedness of the scalar and the vector advection–reaction problems in Banach graph spaces