Table of contents
Mathematical analysis/Harmonic analysis
Density of spaces of trigonometric polynomials with frequencies from a subgroup in Lα-spaces
Mathematical analysis/Functional analysis
A characterizing property of commutative Banach algebras may not be sufficient only on the invertible elements
Mathematical analysis/Ordinary differential equations
Existence of periodic solutions for a class of damped vibration problems
Ordinary differential equations/Harmonic analysis
The Gelfand–Shilov smoothing effect for the radially symmetric homogeneous Landau equation with Shubin initial datum
Partial differential equations/Numerical analysis
Transmission eigenvalues with artificial background for explicit material index identification
Partial differential equations
Stability for entire radial solutions to the biharmonic equation with negative exponents
Partial differential equations
An Lp-theory for almost sure local well-posedness of the nonlinear Schrödinger equations
Partial differential equations
On the stability of the state 1 in the non-local Fisher–KPP equation in bounded domains
Partial differential equations/Differential geometry
A Serrin-type symmetry result on model manifolds: An extension of the Weinberger argument
Partial differential equations/Probability theory
Convergence in Wasserstein distance for self-stabilizing diffusion evolving in a double-well landscape
Algebraic geometry/Differential geometry
Exotic components of SO(p,q) surface group representations, and their Higgs bundle avatars
Probability theory/Mathematical physics
Spectral localization for quantum Hamiltonians with weak random delta interaction