Table of contents
Lie algebras/Differential geometry
Geodesic orbit metrics on compact simple Lie groups arising from flag manifolds
Mathematical analysis/Functional analysis
On the shape factor of interaction laws for a non-local approximation of the Sobolev norm and the total variation
Potential theory/Complex analysis
A note on the weighted log canonical thresholds of plurisubharmonic functions
Complex analysis/Functional analysis
Analytic balayage of measures, Carathéodory domains, and badly approximable functions in Lp
Partial differential equations
Chemotaxis effect vs. logistic damping on boundedness in the 2-D minimal Keller–Segel model
Partial differential equations
Remark on the semilinear ill-posedness for a periodic higher-order KP-I equation
Homéomorphismes et nombre d'intersection
[Homeomorphisms and intersection numbers]
Physique mathématique
Une q-déformation de la transformation de Bargmann vraie-polyanalytique
[A q-deformation of the true-polyanalytic Bargmann transform]