A divisorial cycle acquiring an embedded component under a flat specialization
Compositio Mathematica, Volume 30 (1975) no. 3, pp. 221-233.
     author = {Altman, Allen B. and Kleiman, Steven L.},
     title = {A divisorial cycle acquiring an embedded component under a flat specialization},
     journal = {Compositio Mathematica},
     pages = {221--233},
     publisher = {Noordhoff International Publishing},
     volume = {30},
     number = {3},
     year = {1975},
     mrnumber = {382270},
     zbl = {0319.14001},
     language = {en},
     url = {http://archive.numdam.org/item/CM_1975__30_3_221_0/}
AU  - Altman, Allen B.
AU  - Kleiman, Steven L.
TI  - A divisorial cycle acquiring an embedded component under a flat specialization
JO  - Compositio Mathematica
PY  - 1975
SP  - 221
EP  - 233
VL  - 30
IS  - 3
PB  - Noordhoff International Publishing
UR  - http://archive.numdam.org/item/CM_1975__30_3_221_0/
LA  - en
ID  - CM_1975__30_3_221_0
ER  - 
%0 Journal Article
%A Altman, Allen B.
%A Kleiman, Steven L.
%T A divisorial cycle acquiring an embedded component under a flat specialization
%J Compositio Mathematica
%D 1975
%P 221-233
%V 30
%N 3
%I Noordhoff International Publishing
%U http://archive.numdam.org/item/CM_1975__30_3_221_0/
%G en
%F CM_1975__30_3_221_0
Altman, Allen B.; Kleiman, Steven L. A divisorial cycle acquiring an embedded component under a flat specialization. Compositio Mathematica, Volume 30 (1975) no. 3, pp. 221-233. http://archive.numdam.org/item/CM_1975__30_3_221_0/

[1] A. Altman and S. Kleiman: Algebraic systems of linearly equivalent divisor-like subschemes. Compositio Math., vol. 29 (1974) 113-139. | EuDML | Numdam | MR | Zbl

[2] A. Altman and S. Kleiman: Introduction to Grothendieck Duality Theory. Lecture Notes in Math., Vol. 146, Springer-Verlag (1970) (cited GD). | MR | Zbl

[3] A. Altman and S. Kleiman: Joins of schemes, linear projections (to appear). | Numdam | MR | Zbl

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[5] R. Godement: Topologie Algébrique et Théorie des Faisceaux. Hermann, Paris (1958). | MR | Zbl

[6] D. Mumford: Lectures on Curves on an Algebraic Surface. Annals of Math. Studies, No. 59, Princeton University Press (1966). | MR | Zbl