Analysis over infinite dimensional spaces and applications to quantum field theory
Séminaire Jean Leray, no. 2 (1973-1974), Talk no. 4, 8 p.
     author = {Glimm, James},
     title = {Analysis over infinite dimensional spaces and applications to quantum field theory},
     journal = {S\'eminaire Jean Leray},
     note = {talk:4},
     pages = {1--8},
     publisher = {Coll\`ege de France},
     number = {2},
     year = {1973-1974},
     mrnumber = {674343},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
AU  - Glimm, James
TI  - Analysis over infinite dimensional spaces and applications to quantum field theory
JO  - Séminaire Jean Leray
N1  - talk:4
PY  - 1973-1974
SP  - 1
EP  - 8
IS  - 2
PB  - Collège de France
UR  -
LA  - en
ID  - SJL_1973-1974___2_A4_0
ER  - 
%0 Journal Article
%A Glimm, James
%T Analysis over infinite dimensional spaces and applications to quantum field theory
%J Séminaire Jean Leray
%Z talk:4
%D 1973-1974
%P 1-8
%N 2
%I Collège de France
%G en
%F SJL_1973-1974___2_A4_0
Glimm, James. Analysis over infinite dimensional spaces and applications to quantum field theory. Séminaire Jean Leray, no. 2 (1973-1974), Talk no. 4, 8 p.

(1) See for example Gross, J. Funct. Analysis 1 (1961), p. 123. | Zbl

(2) Jürgens, Math. Ann. 138 (1959) p. 179 and Math Z. 17 (1961), p. 265. | MR

(3) Segal, Ann. of Math. 18 (1963) p. 339.

(4) Morawetz and Strauss, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 25 (1972) p. 1. | MR | Zbl

(5) Glimm and Joffe, Acta Math. 125 (1970) p. 203. | MR

(6) Glimm, Joffe and Spencer, Ann. of Math., to appear and a contribution in: Constructive Quantum Field Theory, Ed. by Velsand Wightman, Springer Verlag, Berlin (1973). | MR

(7) Nelson, in: Constructive Quantum Field Theory, Ed. by Velsand and Wightman, Springer Verlag, Berlin (1973). | MR | Zbl

(8) Guerra, Rosen and Simon, Ann. of Math., to appear.

(9) Dobrushya and Minlos, J. of Functional Analysis and its applications (Russian).

(11) This approach has been basic to many papers on constructive quantum field theory, starting with Symanzik, NYU, 1964 (see also earlier papers of Schwinger) as well as Nelson, in: Mathematical theory of elementary particles, Ed. by Goodman and Segal, MIT press, 1966. It was central to the approach of Joffe and the author ; see for example Glimm-Joffe, Ann. of Math. 91 (1970), or Glimm, Comm. Math. Physics 8 p. 12 (1968).

In 1968, a covariant form of the Feynman-Kac formula was known to Symanzin, as part of his formal program for a covariant construction of Euclidean quantum fields. This paper appears in: ffocal quantum field theory, proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrier Ferme" Course 45, Ed. by Jost. Academic Press, New York (1969).

Three years later, Symanzik's covariant Feynman-Kac formula was used by Nelson as part of a simplified bound on the vacuum energy per unit volume, in: Proceedings of the Summer Institute of Partial Differential Equations, Berkeley 1971, Amer. Math. Soc. Providence R.I. 1973. Symanzik' s Feynman-Kac formula was subsequently used by Guerra, Phys. Rev. Lett. 28 p. 1213 (1972) to obtain new results on the vacuum energy per unit volume. Following the Nelson and Guerra papers, Symanzik's covariant Feynman-Kac formula came into wide usage ; see footnote references 6, 7, 8 and 12.

(12) The passage from the Euclidean field theory, defined on L2(S'(Rd+1)) to the Hilbert space H = L2(S'(Rd)) is given by the theory of Euclidean axioms of Nelson, J. Funct. Anal. 12, p. 91 (1973) and Osterwalder-Schroder, Comm. Math. Phys. 31 p. 83 (1973) and in Constructive Quantum Field Theory, Ed. Velo and Wightman, Springer Verlag, Berlin (1973).