@article{SJL_1973-1974___4_A1_0, author = {Pham The Lai}, title = {Noyaux {d'Agmon}}, journal = {S\'eminaire Jean Leray}, note = {talk:1}, pages = {1--37}, publisher = {Coll\`ege de France}, number = {4}, year = {1973-1974}, language = {fr}, url = {http://archive.numdam.org/item/SJL_1973-1974___4_A1_0/} }
Pham The Lai. Noyaux d'Agmon. Séminaire Jean Leray, no. 4 (1973-1974), Talk no. 1, 37 p. http://archive.numdam.org/item/SJL_1973-1974___4_A1_0/
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