An F σ semigroup of zero measure which contains a translate of every countable set
Groupe d'étude en théorie analytique des nombres, Tome 1 (1984-1985), Exposé no. 29, 9 p.
     author = {Haight, John A.},
     title = {An $F_\sigma $ semigroup of zero measure which contains a translate of every countable set},
     journal = {Groupe d'\'etude en th\'eorie analytique des nombres},
     note = {talk:29},
     pages = {1--9},
     publisher = {Secr\'etariat math\'ematique},
     volume = {1},
     year = {1984-1985},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
AU  - Haight, John A.
TI  - An $F_\sigma $ semigroup of zero measure which contains a translate of every countable set
JO  - Groupe d'étude en théorie analytique des nombres
N1  - talk:29
PY  - 1984-1985
SP  - 1
EP  - 9
VL  - 1
PB  - Secrétariat mathématique
UR  -
LA  - en
ID  - TAN_1984-1985__1__A11_0
ER  - 
%0 Journal Article
%A Haight, John A.
%T An $F_\sigma $ semigroup of zero measure which contains a translate of every countable set
%J Groupe d'étude en théorie analytique des nombres
%Z talk:29
%D 1984-1985
%P 1-9
%V 1
%I Secrétariat mathématique
%G en
%F TAN_1984-1985__1__A11_0
Haight, John A. An $F_\sigma $ semigroup of zero measure which contains a translate of every countable set. Groupe d'étude en théorie analytique des nombres, Tome 1 (1984-1985), Exposé no. 29, 9 p.

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