Lecture notes
Lecture notes
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Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques
Volume 44 (2008)
Issue no. 1
Table of Contents
A lower bound for the principal eigenvalue of the Stokes operator in a random domain
Yurinsky, V. V.
p. 1-18
Loop-free Markov chains as determinantal point processes
Borodin, Alexei
p. 19-28
An asymptotic result for brownian polymers
Mountford, Thomas
Tarrès, Pierre
p. 29-46
Iterative feature selection in least square regression estimation
Alquier, Pierre
p. 47-88
A stochastic fixed point equation for weighted minima and maxima
Alsmeyer, Gerold
Rösler, Uwe
p. 89-103
LAMN property for hidden processes : the case of integrated diffusions
Gloter, Arnaud
Gobet, Emmanuel
p. 104-128
Stabilité du comportement des marches aléatoires sur un groupe localement compact
Gretete, Driss
p. 129-142
Random walk on graphs with regular resistance and volume growth
Telcs, András
p. 143-169
Invariance principles for random walks conditioned to stay positive
Caravenna, Francesco
Chaumont, Loïc
p. 170-190
Issue no. 2
Table of Contents
Estimation in models driven by fractional brownian motion
Berzin, Corinne
León, José R.
p. 191-213
Small-time behavior of beta coalescents
Berestycki, Julien
Berestycki, Nathanaël
Schweinsberg, Jason
p. 214-238
Bounds on regeneration times and limit theorems for subgeometric Markov chains
Douc, Randal
Guillin, Arnaud
Moulines, Eric
p. 239-257
On the path structure of a semimartingale arising from monotone probability theory
Belton, Alexander C. R.
p. 258-279
Vitesse de convergence dans le théorème limite central pour des chaînes de Markov fortement ergodiques
Hervé, Loïc
p. 280-292
An algebraic approach to Pólya processes
Pouyanne, Nicolas
p. 293-323
Comparison between criteria leading to the weak invariance principle
Durieu, Olivier
Volný, Dalibor
p. 324-340
Quenched non-equilibrium central limit theorem for a tagged particle in the exclusion process with bond disorder
Jara, M. D.
Landim, C.
p. 341-361
An isoperimetric inequality on the
Sodin, Sasha
p. 362-373
Anomalous heat-kernel decay for random walk among bounded random conductances
Berger, N.
Biskup, M.
Hoffman, C. E.
Kozma, G.
p. 374-392
Issue no. 3
Table of Contents
-estimators in semi-parametric regression with errors in variables
Butucea, Cristina
Taupin, Marie-Luce
p. 393-421
Moderate deviations for some point measures in geometric probability
Baryshnikov, Yu
Eichelsbacher, P.
Schreiber, T.
Yukich, J. E.
p. 422-446
Central limit theorems for eigenvalues in a spiked population model
Bai, Zhidong
Yao, Jian-Feng
p. 447-474
Invariance principle, multifractional gaussian processes and long-range dependence
Cohen, Serge
Marty, Renaud
p. 475-489
Quenched law of large numbers for branching brownian motion in a random medium
Engländer, János
p. 490-518
Homogenization of a singular random one-dimensional PDE
Iftimie, Bogdan
Pardoux, Étienne
Piatnitski, Andrey
p. 519-543
Exponential concentration for first passage percolation through modified Poincaré inequalities
Benaïm, Michel
Rossignol, Raphaël
p. 544-573
The quenched invariance principle for random walks in random environments admitting a bounded cycle representation
Deuschel, Jean-Dominique
Kösters, Holger
p. 574-591
Issue no. 4
Table of Contents
Skew-product representations of multidimensional Dunkl Markov processes
Chybiryakov, Oleksandr
p. 593-611
Identification of periodic and cyclic fractional stable motions
Pipiras, Vladas
Taqqu, Murad S.
p. 612-637
Limit laws for the energy of a charged polymer
Chen, Xia
p. 638-672
On homogenization of space-time dependent and degenerate random flows II
Rhodes, Rémi
p. 673-692
On mean central limit theorems for stationary sequences
Dedecker, Jérôme
Rio, Emmanuel
p. 693-726
Joint continuity of the local times of fractional brownian sheets
Ayache, Antoine
Wu, Dongsheng
Xiao, Yimin
p. 727-748
A local limit theorem with speed of convergence for euclidean algorithms and diophantine costs
Baladi, Viviane
Hachemi, Aïcha
p. 749-770
Uniform deterministic equivalent of additive functionals and non-parametric drift estimation for one-dimensional recurrent diffusions
Loukianova, D.
Loukianov, O.
p. 771-786
Issue no. 5
Table of Contents
Change-point estimation from indirect observations. 1. Minimax complexity
Goldenshluger, A.
Juditsky, A.
Tsybakov, A. B.
Zeevi, A.
p. 787-818
Change-point estimation from indirect observations. 2. Adaptation
Goldenshluger, A.
Juditsky, A.
Tsybakov, A.
Zeevi, A.
p. 819-836
Asymptotic Feynman-Kac formulae for large symmetrised systems of random walks
Adams, Stefan
Dorlas, Tony
p. 837-875
Random permutations and unique fully supported ergodicity for the Euler adic transformation
Frick, Sarah Bailey
Petersen, Karl
p. 876-885
A lattice gas model for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equation
Beltrán, J.
Landim, C.
p. 886-914
Limit shapes of Gibbs distributions on the set of integer partitions : the expansive case
Erlihson, Michael M.
Granovsky, Boris L.
p. 915-945
Hitting time of a corner for a reflected diffusion in the square
Delarue, F.
p. 946-961
Near-minimal spanning trees : a scaling exponent in probability models
Aldous, David J.
Bordenave, Charles
Lelarge, Marc
p. 962-976
On suprema of Lévy processes and application in risk theory
Song, Renming
Vondraček, Zoran
p. 977-986
Issue no. 6
Table of Contents
Convergence of simple random walks on random discrete trees to brownian motion on the continuum random tree
Croydon, David
p. 987-1019
On the equivalence of some eternal additive coalescents
Basdevant, Anne-Laure
p. 1020-1037
The renormalization transformation for two-type branching models
Dawson, D. A.
Greven, A.
den Hollander, F.
Sun, Rongfeng
Swart, J. M.
p. 1038-1077
A characterization of harmonic measures on laminations by hyperbolic Riemann surfaces
Bakhtin, Yuri
Martánez, Matilde
p. 1078-1089
Quasi-compactness and mean ergodicity for Markov kernels acting on weighted supremum normed spaces
Hervé, Loïc
p. 1090-1095
Validity of the parametric bootstrap for goodness-of-fit testing in semiparametric models
Genest, Christian
Rémillard, Bruno
p. 1096-1127
Invariance principles for spatial multitype Galton-Watson trees
Miermont, Grégory
p. 1128-1161
Determinantal transition kernels for some interacting particles on the line
Dieker, A. B.
Warren, J.
p. 1162-1172
Random spatial growth with paralyzing obstacles
van den Berg, J.
Peres, Y.
Sidoravicius, V.
Vares, M. E.
p. 1173-1187