q-Selberg integrals and Macdonald polynomials
Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure, Serie 4, Volume 29 (1996) no. 5, pp. 583-637.
     author = {Kaneko, Jyoichi},
     title = {$q${-Selberg} integrals and {Macdonald} polynomials},
     journal = {Annales scientifiques de l'\'Ecole Normale Sup\'erieure},
     pages = {583--637},
     publisher = {Elsevier},
     volume = {Ser. 4, 29},
     number = {5},
     year = {1996},
     doi = {10.24033/asens.1749},
     mrnumber = {98k:33026},
     zbl = {0910.33011},
     language = {en},
     url = {http://archive.numdam.org/articles/10.24033/asens.1749/}
AU  - Kaneko, Jyoichi
TI  - $q$-Selberg integrals and Macdonald polynomials
JO  - Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure
PY  - 1996
SP  - 583
EP  - 637
VL  - 29
IS  - 5
PB  - Elsevier
UR  - http://archive.numdam.org/articles/10.24033/asens.1749/
DO  - 10.24033/asens.1749
LA  - en
ID  - ASENS_1996_4_29_5_583_0
ER  - 
%0 Journal Article
%A Kaneko, Jyoichi
%T $q$-Selberg integrals and Macdonald polynomials
%J Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure
%D 1996
%P 583-637
%V 29
%N 5
%I Elsevier
%U http://archive.numdam.org/articles/10.24033/asens.1749/
%R 10.24033/asens.1749
%G en
%F ASENS_1996_4_29_5_583_0
Kaneko, Jyoichi. $q$-Selberg integrals and Macdonald polynomials. Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure, Serie 4, Volume 29 (1996) no. 5, pp. 583-637. doi : 10.24033/asens.1749. http://archive.numdam.org/articles/10.24033/asens.1749/

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