Table of contents

Théorie des nombres
Transcendance « à la Liouville » de certains nombres réels
[A Liouville-like approach for the transcendence of some real numbers]

Mathematical Analysis/Harmonic Analysis
Maximal smoothness of the anti-analytic part of a trigonometric null series

Potential Theory/Probability Theory
Beurling–Deny formula of semi-Dirichlet forms

Équations différentielles/Théorie des nombres
Polylogarithmes multiples uniformes en une variable
[Single-valued multiple polylogarithms in one variable]

Partial Differential Equations/Mathematical Physics
From classical to semiclassical non-trapping behaviour

Géométrie différentielle
Le laplacien hypoelliptique sur le fibré cotangent
[The hypoelliptic Laplacian on the cotangent bundle]

Differential Geometry/Dynamical Systems
Bifurcation and forced symmetry breaking in Hamiltonian systems

Probability Theory/Mathematical Analysis
Densities of some Poisson T-martingales and random covering numbers