Table of contents
Ordinary Differential Equations/Dynamical Systems
Normal forms with exponentially small remainder: application to homoclinic connections for the reversible resonance
Partial Differential Equations
A strongly degenerate elliptic equation arising from the semilinear Maxwell equations
Partial Differential Equations
On a minimization problem related to lifting of BV functions with values in
Contrôle optimal
Contrôlabilité exacte frontière de l'écoulememt d'un fluide non-stationnaire dans un réseau du type d'arbre de canaux ouverts
[Exact boundary controllability of unsteady flows in a tree-like network of open canals.]
Probability Theory/Partial Differential Equations
Ergodic properties of highly degenerate 2D stochastic Navier–Stokes equations
Vitesses de convergence dans la loi forte des grands nombres pour des variables dépendantes
[Convergence rates in the strong law of large numbers for Hilbert valued dependent variables.]