Table of contents

Partial Differential Equations/Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
Time-homogenization of a first order system arising in the modelling of the dynamics of dislocation densities

Functional Analysis
Homology of free quantum groups

Géométrie algébrique
Nombres de Betti des fibres de Springer de type A
[Betti numbers of Springer fibers in type A]

Algebraic Geometry
A generalized Hirzebruch Riemann–Roch theorem

Propriétés probabilistes des processus GARCH périodiques
[Probabilistic properties of periodic GARCH processes]

Sur une famille paramétrique d'estimateurs séquentiels de la densité pour un processus fortement mélangeant
[On a parametric family of sequential estimators of the density for a strong mixing process]

Sur l'identification d'un processus de branchement surcritique
[On the identification of a supercritical branching process]

Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
On the periodic orbits of the circular double Sitnikov problem