Table of contents

Les paires de tournois {3}-hypomorphes
[The pairs of {3}-hypomorphic tournaments]

Combinatorics/Number Theory
Partition regularity and the primes

Théorie des nombres
Une représentation galoisienne universelle attachée aux formes modulaires modulo 2
[A universal Galois representation attached to modular forms modulo 2]

Théorie des nombres
Formes modulaires modulo 2 : structure de lʼalgèbre de Hecke
[Modular forms mod 2: Structure of the Hecke ring]

Algebra/Algebraic Geometry
Projective geometry for blueprints

Complex Analysis/Functional Analysis
On the singular factor of a linear combination of holomorphic functions

Partial Differential Equations/Numerical Analysis
High order asymptotic-preserving schemes for the Boltzmann equation

Équations aux dérivées partielles/Contrôle optimal
Stabilisation faible interne locale de système élastique de Bresse
[Weakly locally internal stabilization of elastic Bresse system]

Géométrie algébrique/Systèmes dynamiques
Courbes algébriques ordinaires et tissus associés
[Ordinary algebraic curves and associated webs]

Algebraic Geometry
Motivic Milnor fibers of a rational function

Differential Geometry
Comparison between two complexes on a singular space

Dynamical Systems/Mathematical Physics
On the symmetries of a Rikitake type system