Table of contents
Mathematical analysis/Partial differential equations
Existence of minimizers for the 2d stationary Griffith fracture model
Ordinary differential equations/Partial differential equations
Almost automorphic evolution equations with compact almost automorphic solutions
Partial differential equations/Calculus of variations
Variational existence theory for hydroelastic solitary waves
Optimal control/Probability theory
An existence theorem for multidimensional BSDEs with mixed reflections
Algebraic geometry/Differential geometry
Residue formula for Morita–Futaki–Bott invariant on orbifolds
Dynamical systems/Probability theory
Approximations of standard equivalence relations and Bernoulli percolation at pu
Numerical analysis/Mathematical problems in mechanics
A kinematic vector penalty–projection method for incompressible flow with variable density
Mathematical problems in mechanics
Isotropy prohibits the loss of strong ellipticity through homogenization in linear elasticity