Table of contents
Mathematical analysis/Potential theory
Harmonic measure is rectifiable if it is absolutely continuous with respect to the co-dimension-one Hausdorff measure
Partial differential equations
A note on Sylvester's proof of discreteness of interior transmission eigenvalues
Partial differential equations/Numerical analysis
Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator for diffraction problems in stratified anisotropic acoustic waveguides
Partial differential equations/Optimal control
Unique continuation estimates for the Kolmogorov equation in the whole space
Analytic geometry/Differential geometry
A Riemann–Roch–Grothendieck theorem for flat fibrations with complex fibers
Differential geometry
Lower bounds for the eigenvalues of the Spinc Dirac operator on manifolds with boundary
Problèmes mathématiques de la mécanique
Analyse asymptotique de milieux élastiques stratifiés dans les espaces de fonctions à déformation bornée
[Asymptotic analysis of stratified elastic media in the space of functions with bounded deformation]