Table of contents

Number theory/Dynamical systems
Dynamical covering problems on the triadic Cantor set

Lie algebras/Partial differential equations
Compatible Hamiltonian operators for the Krichever–Novikov equation

Mathematical analysis/Partial differential equations
A sharp weighted anisotropic Poincaré inequality for convex domains

Complex analysis/Differential geometry
Remarks on the canonical metrics on the Cartan–Hartogs domains

Complex analysis/Analytic geometry
On the Lie group structure of automorphism groups

Partial differential equations/Theory of signals
Rigidity of optimal bases for signal spaces

Partial differential equations
Global regularity of two-dimensional flocking hydrodynamics

Analyse fonctionnelle
Vers un théorème de la limite centrale dans l'espace de Wasserstein ?
[Towards a central limit theorem in the Wasserstein space?]

Estimation locale linéaire de la régression non paramétrique fonctionnelle par la méthode des k plus proches voisins
[Local linear estimate of the regression operator by the kNN method]