Issue no. 1 Table of Contents
Aptitude des modèles des plus proches voisins à la réduction de l’erreur expérimentale en expérimentation agronomique sur champ : Une illustration
[Aptitude of the nearest neighbors’ models to reduce the experimental error on the field trial]
[Aptitude of the nearest neighbors’ models to reduce the experimental error on the field trial]
Issue no. 2 Table of Contents
Décrire, prendre en compte, imputer et évaluer les valeurs manquantes dans les études statistiques : une revue des approches existantes
[Exploring, handling, imputing and evaluating missing data in statistical analyses: a review of existing approaches]
[Exploring, handling, imputing and evaluating missing data in statistical analyses: a review of existing approaches]
Reconstruction automatique de formulaires d’enquête médicale sur la culture de sécurité des patients par une méthode de factorisation matricielle bayésienne
[Bayesian matrix factorization for reconstruction of removed items in a medical survey]
[Bayesian matrix factorization for reconstruction of removed items in a medical survey]
Issue no. 3 Table of Contents
Détection non-supervisée d’observations atypiques en contrôle de qualité : un survol
[Unsupervised outlier detection in quality control: an overview]
[Unsupervised outlier detection in quality control: an overview]
Revue Bibliographique des Méthodes de Couplage des Bases de Données : Applications et Perspectives dans le Cas des Données de Santé Publique
[An Overview of Record Linkage Methods: Applications and Perspective on Health Data]
[An Overview of Record Linkage Methods: Applications and Perspective on Health Data]
Special Issue on Models and Inference in Population Genetics
Editorial for the Special Issue on Models and Inference in Population Genetics
Special Issue on Models and Inference in Population Genetics
Simulation of stochastic models of structured population in population genetics under neutrality
Special Issue on Models and Inference in Population Genetics
Likelihood computation and inference of demographic and mutational parameters from population genetic data under coalescent approximations
Special Issue on Models and Inference in Population Genetics
Model choice using Approximate Bayesian Computation and Random Forests: analyses based on model grouping to make inferences about the genetic history of Pygmy human populations