Table of contents

Number Theory/Algebraic Geometry
On uniform boundedness of a rational distance set in the plane

Algèbre/Géométrie algébrique
Actions modérées de schémas en groupes affines et champs modérés
[Tame actions of affine group schemes and tame stacks]

Algèbre homologique
Erratum à la Note « f-catégories, tours et motifs de Tate » [C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 347 (2009) 1137–1342], avec un appendice de Q. Liu et de J. Vitória
[Corrigendum to the Note “f-categories, towers, and Tate motives” [C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 347 (2009) 1137–1342], with an appendix by Q. Liu and J. Vitória]

Mathematical Analysis/Number Theory
The Minkowski ?(x) function and Salemʼs problem

Ordinary Differential Equations/Partial Differential Equations
Reduction method for studying localized solutions of neural field equations on the Poincaré disk

Ordinary Differential Equations/Dynamical Systems
On the stability of hematopoietic model with feedback control

Partial Differential Equations/Mathematical Physics
Dissipation anomaly and energy cascade in 3D incompressible flows

Partial Differential Equations/Numerical Analysis
A new error bound for reduced basis approximation of parabolic partial differential equations

Vector bundles on toric varieties

Algebraic Geometry
On vector bundles on curves over F¯p

Analytic Geometry/Topology
A remark on vanishing cycles with two strata