Issue no. 1 Table of Contents
Partial differential equations
A Mathematical Justification of the Momentum Density Function Associated to the KdV Equation
Partial differential equations
Smooth traveling-wave solutions to the inviscid surface quasi-geostrophic equations
Stochastic differential equations
A note on “Problem of eigenvalues of stochastic Hamiltonian systems with boundary conditions”
Issue no. 2 Table of Contents
Mathematical Problems in Mechanics, Differential Geometry
A nonlinear Korn inequality on a surface with an explicit estimate of the constant
Familles de polynômes unitairement parfaits sur
[Some families of unitary perfect polynomials over ]
Partial differential equations
Instability and nonordering of localized steady states to a classs of reaction-diffusion equations in
Partial differential equations
Improvement of conditions for boundedness in a fully parabolic chemotaxis system with nonlinear signal production
Partial differential equations
On the existence of ground states of an equation of Schrödinger–Poisson–Slater type
Issue no. 3 Table of Contents
Numerical Analysis, Dynamical systems
A Mathematical Model of Unemployment with the Effect of Limited Jobs
Geometry and Topology
Marie-Hélène Schwartz et les champs radiaux, un parcours mathématique
[Marie-Hélène Schwartz and radial vector fields, a mathematical course]
Issue no. 4 Table of Contents
Harmonic analysis, Representation theory
Sharp Estimates of Radial Dunkl and Heat Kernels in the Complex Case
Issue no. 5 Table of Contents
Complex analysis and geometry
A note on pseudo-effective vector bundles with vanishing first Chern number over non-Kähler manifolds
Combinatorics, Probability theory
An upper bound and finiteness criteria for the Galois group of weighted walks with rational coefficients in the quarter plane
Algebra, Representation theory
Resolving subcategories whose finitely presented module categories are abelian
Complex analysis and geometry, Functional analysis
Generalized versions of Lipschitz conditions on the modulus of holomorphic functions
Complex analysis and geometry
On the moduli spaces of framed logarithmic connections on a Riemann surface
Mathematical physics, Spectral theory
Spectre du Laplacien agissant sur les -tenseurs symétriques sur l’espace hyperbolique
Issue no. 6 Table of Contents
Partial differential equations
On the hydrostatic approximation of compressible anisotropic Navier–Stokes equations
Partial differential equations, Mathematical physics
Résonances Semiclassiques Engendrées par des Croisements de Trajectoires Classiques
[Semiclassical Resonances Generated by Crossings of Classical Trajectories]
Functional analysis, Harmonic analysis
Boundedness of second-order Riesz transforms on weighted Hardy and spaces associated with Schrödinger operators
Numerical analysis, Partial differential equations
On non-denseness for a method of fundamental solutions with source points fixed in time for parabolic equations
Issue no. 7 Table of Contents
Functional anaysis, Harmonic analysis
A Rudin–de Leeuw type theorem for functions with spectral gaps
Partial differential equations, Mathematical physics
The Cauchy–Dirichlet problem for the Moore–Gibson–Thompson equation
Complex analysis and geometry
Quasiconformal extension for harmonic mappings on finitely connected domains
Complex analysis and geometry
Bohr radius and its asymptotic value for holomorphic functions in higher dimensions
Group theory
Le critère d’Abel pour la résolubilité par radicaux d’une équation irréductible de degré premier
[Abel’s criterion for the solvability by radicals of an irreducible equation of prime degree]
Issue no. 8 Table of Contents
Partial differential equations
Characterization of balls via solutions of the modified Helmholtz equation
Partial differential equations
Anisotropic Choquard problems with Stein–Weiss potential: nonlinear patterns and stationary waves
Complex analysis and geometry
Levi Problem: Complement of a closed subspace in a Stein space and its applications
Issue no. 9 Table of Contents
Mathematical physics, Probability theory
Approximate Ground States of Hypercube Spin Glasses are Near Corners
Numerical analysis, Partial differential equations
Modelling and finite element simulation of multi-sphere swimmers
Complex analysis and geometry, Dynamical systems
A quick proof of the regularity of the flow of analytic vector fields
Partial differential equations
On the existence of ground state solutions to critical growth problems nonresonant at zero
Partial differential equations
Tanner Duality Between the Oldroyd–Maxwell and Grade-two Fluid Models
Issue no. 10 Table of Contents
Complex analysis and geometry, Functional analysis
Free boundary problems in the spirit of Sakai’s theorem
Partial differential equations, Mathematical physics
First-order general differential equation for multi-level asymptotics at higher levels and recurrence relationship of singulants
Partial differential equations
Logarithmic estimates for mean-field models in dimension two and the Schrödinger–Poisson system