Lecture notes
Lecture notes
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ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
Volume 30 (1996)
Issue no. 1
Table of Contents
Indicateurs d’erreur en
version des éléments spectraux
Bernardi, Christine
p. 1-38
Concept de zoom adaptatif en architecture multigrille locale ; étude comparative des méthodes L.D.C., F.A.C. et F.I.C.
Khadra, K.
Angot, Ph.
Caltagirone, J. P.
Morel, P.
p. 39-82
Sélection entre procédés d'accélération de la convergence
Fdil, A.
p. 83-101
Dirichlet problem associated with a random quasilinear operator in a random domain
Abddaimi, Y.
Michaille, G.
p. 103-121
Issue no. 2
Table of Contents
On the convergence rate of spectral approximation for the equations for nonhomogeneous asymmetric fluids
Boldrini, José Luiz
Rojas-Medar, Marko
p. 123-155
High-order finite element methods for the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation
Akrivis, Georgios
p. 157-183
On the accuracy of asymptotic approximations for longitudinal deformation of a thin plate
Nazarov, Serguei A.
p. 185-213
On a two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic problem. II. Numerical analysis
Rappaz, Jacques
Touzani, Rachid
p. 215-235
Element-oriented and edge-oriented local error estimators for nonconforming finite element methods
Hoppe, Ronald H. W.
Wohlmuth, Barbara
p. 237-263
Issue no. 3
Table of Contents
Multigrid methods for parameter dependent problems
Brenner, Susanne C.
p. 265-297
Étude mathématique des modes guidés dans un milieu élastique à symétrie de révolution
Chorfi, Lahcène
p. 299-342
Commutateurs de certains semi-groupes holomorphes et applications aux directions alternées
Dia, Boun Oumar
Schatzman, Michelle
p. 343-383
Issue no. 4
Table of Contents
A posteriori error estimators for nonconforming finite element methods
Dari, E.
Duran, R.
Padra, C.
Vampa, V.
p. 385-400
Global superconvergence approximations of the mixed finite element method for the Stokes problem and the linear elasticity equation
Zhou, Aihui
p. 401-411
Modeling and justification of an eigenvalue problem for a plate inserted in a three-dimensional support
Lods, V.
p. 413-444
Connection between finite volume and mixed finite element methods
Baranger, Jacques
Maitre, Jean-François
Oudin, Fabienne
p. 445-465
A regularity result for a linear membrane shell problem
Genevey, K.
p. 467-488
Finite element methods for the three-field Stokes system in
: Galerkin methods
Ruas, V.
p. 489-525
Issue no. 5
Table of Contents
Multi-dimensional Riemann problems for linear hyperbolic systems
Gilquin, Hervé
Laurens, Jérôme
Rosier, Carole
p. 527-548
Une norme « naturelle » pour la méthode des caractéristiques en éléments finis discontinus : cas 1-D
Baranger, J.
Machmoum, A.
p. 549-574
Stationary voltage current characteristics of a plasma
Ben Abdallah, Naoufel
Unterreiter, Andreas
p. 575-605
Estimation du taux de décroissance pour la solution de problèmes de stabilisation, application à la stabilisation de l'équation des ondes
Benabdallah, Assia
Lenczner, Michel
p. 607-635
Some implementations of projection methods for Navier-Stokes equations
Guermond, Jean-Luc
p. 637-667
Issue no. 6
Table of Contents
Control and estimation of the boundary heat transfer function in Stefan problems
Barbu, V.
Kunisch, K.
Ring, W.
p. 671-710
A wavelet multigrid preconditioner for Dirichlet boundary value problems in general domains
Glowinski, Roland
Rieder, Andreas
Wells, Raymond O.
Xiaodong Zhou
p. 711-729
Stability of saddle point problems with penalty
Braess, Dietrich
p. 731-742
Error analysis for the finite element approximation of a radiative transfer model
Führer, Christian
Rannacher, Rolf
p. 743-762
Particle simulation and asymptotic analysis of kinetic equations for modeling a Schottky diode
Degond, P.
Poupaud, F.
Yamnahakki, A.
p. 763-795
Issue no. 7
Table of Contents
Esquisse d'une théorie décompositionnelle
Gabet, L.
p. 799-814
New efficient boundary conditions for incompressible Navier-Stokes equations : a well-posedness result
Bruneau, C.-H.
Fabrie, P.
p. 815-840
Convergence of a finite volume scheme for an elliptic-hyperbolic system
Vignal, M. H.
p. 841-872
Chebyshev pseudospectral-hybrid finite element method for two-dimensional vorticity equation
Ben-Yu, Guo
He-Ping, Ma
Jing-Yu, Hou
p. 873-905
On the Chebyshev penalty method for parabolic and hyperbolic equations
Dettori, Lucia
Yang, Baolin
p. 907-920