Table of contents

On a theorem of Laurent Schwartz

Algebra/Homological Algebra
Homological properties of noncommutative Iwasawa algebras

Homological Algebra/Topology
Lambda algebra and the Singer transfer

Group Theory/Functional Analysis
A Note on the von Neumann algebra of a Baumslag–Solitar group

Mathematical Analysis
Multiplier sequences and logarithmic mesh

Mathematical Analysis
Universal p-adic series

Complex Analysis/Analytic Geometry
On complex Banach manifolds similar to Stein manifolds

Partial Differential Equations/Mathematical Physics
On wave propagation in the Anti-de Sitter cosmology

Partial Differential Equations/Mathematical Physics
On a waveguide with an infinite number of small windows

Partial Differential Equations
Asymptotic analysis for a diffusion problem

Algebraic Geometry
Family of counterexamples to King's conjecture

Analytic Geometry
Stable Higgs bundles on compact Gauduchon manifolds

Géométrie différentielle
Laplacien hypoelliptique et cohomologie de Bott–Chern
[Hypoelliptic Laplacian and Bott–Chern cohomology]

Differential Geometry
A new quantity in Finsler geometry

Géométrie différentielle
Décomposition locale d'une structure bihamiltonienne en produit Kronecker-symplectique
[Local decomposition into a Kronecker-symplectic product of a bihamiltonian structure]

Convergence du processus de sommes partielles vers un processus de Lévy pour les suites associées
[Convergence of partial sum processes to Lévy processes for associated sequences]

Physique mathématique
Sur l'existence et l'unicité des solutions pour des équations de Drude–Born–Fedorov homogénéisées en domaine borné et applications aux métamatériaux
[On well-posedness of some homogenized Drude–Born–Fedorov systems on a bounded domain and applications to metamaterials]

Mathematical Problems in Mechanics/Calculus of Variations
Homogenization of hexagonal lattices